Same. I haven't used my PS3 much up until this point. In fact, I haven't used it in months.
PS3! So, what about you, what version do you have?
Best of luck to you, you just might need it. Are you going to get the PS3 or 360 version?
Well then! I'll add that to my game que!
Take FFX's strategy, X-2's fast gameplay, and add attacks that que, and you've basically got the battle system. As for story, you might find it similar to FFX, in a way. As for music, it is almost 100% fresh and new. The problem? It is almost 100% fresh and new. You won't find the victory fanfare or even the Prelude in this game, sadly. The main characters are greatly well-developed, perhaps the best we've seen yet! But the villains, unfortunately, suffer from poor development. If you want a good villain, you won't find one here. The game is surprisingly demanding. Difficult, one might say, especially the last few areas. It becomes harder to even survive normal battles, let alone bosses. But everything has a key to victory. I do like this game for what it is. Despite its flaws, it was definitely worth the purchase.
Ah. So... is it a lot like FFXII? (Give me a percentage of similarity! I don't want to get a game that resembles FFXII TOO much) (On second thought, just tell me which FF it's most similar too)
I already beat the main game. It was hard, but I finally took down the final boss, the annoying douche that he was. Now I'm doing the Cie'th Stone missions. Just got the Growth Egg and now I'm going to grind until the Crystarirum is 100% complete. Then, the remaining missions will be easier to 5-star.
Cool! so... how's FFXIII?
Yup, yup. Anyway, got the journal done, which will be helpful for recording chronicle stuff.
Go check the group!
Seriously, I don't know politics... >_<
Politics... Ugh... my head is spinning... o_O
I hate the Obamacare!