Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and che

145 Visitor Messages

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  1. Skinny and shy made me laugh.
  2. I dunno how that would have happened! Do tell!
  3. You made me laugh

    ^What a DISCONNECTED, unrealistic point of view. <3
  5. Does that make you a hipster too?!
  6. I liked hipster che before it was cool
  7. Hahah, yes I do.
  8. You always were a tease.
  9. I might have possibly sorta kinda but seriously probably been very close to you this weekend. We were on 40 --> 9 on the way to Clinton from Russellville at like 11am. I thought about texting you but I didn't want to tease you.
  10. Hahaha <3<3
  11. If we exchanged Christmas presents, you'd get one of theeese: Let's Do Launch Tee | Mod Retro Vintage Mens SS Shirts |
  12. Aww, you so sweet.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 145
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