oink oink oink
3 am would be a bad time to rob a bank. Banks are closed at 3 am. If you robbed a bank at 3 am, then you would actually be burglarizing the bank, which in logic, is much more ideal than robbing the bank to begin with. You should be sleeping at 3 am. Preferably with clothes on, because only uncivilized pigs sleep naked.
3am seems like an ideal time to be surfing the interweb. What else am I gonna do at 3am? Rob a bank?
Why were you awake at 3 am? That kind of seems like a weird time to be surfing the interweb.
Important date. Your birthday, except 141 years before you were born. The Battle of Buena Vista took place on February 22, 1847 during the Mexican-American War, in which, 5,000 American troops lead by soon-to-be President, General Zachary Taylor, defeated 15,000 Mexican troops.
Hi, I'm looking for Bill Carson. Have you seen him around anywhere?
You're damn right it's almost my birthday. I'm going to be 81. Can you believe that shit? I was born during the Great Depression. My parents were so poor they had to use my foreskin as a diaper when I was a baby. And now that I'm a ridiculously old man, I get to use my foreskin as a diaper again. Do you think I should chop my penis off at any point before March 17 of next year?
It is almost your birthday.
I don't appreciate being called a homosexual, because I'm not. I know what "pen" pals are. "Pen" is the beginning to the word "penis." I am not being Angel of Iniquity's penis pal.
I'm sure you can still be pen pals.
You should un-ban Angel of Iniquity. I miss that guy.
Why shouldn't I hold back the pee jokes? Urine is no laughing matter. I feel it's been discriminated against by immature pee jokes and golden shower porn, and I think it's about time that somebody stands up and advocates for ending urine oppression.