Conversation Between Andromeda and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

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  1. It's not a case of being harsh. It was more being heavy and smothering. You were explaining everything, most times when I never asked. FFXIV isn't my first MMO and I've been tracking the game for years. So I was actually pretty familiar with the game. Most of the things you were telling me I already knew, I just didn't say much. I knew you were excited.

    Just wait for me to ask a question.
  2. I wasn't trying to sound harsh or anything like that, so if I came off sounding harsh, then I am sorry
  3. I appreciate that, it just your your approach.
  4. Mkay, just trying to help you out. I hate not knowing about certain things, and I appreciate it when people tell me how to do certain things that I didn't know how to do, or maybe I wasn't doing it properly. I just like knowing what to do and how to do it.
  5. Yeah, it'll be fine. I'll be able to deal with it. I just have to adapt. I know how the job works.
  6. Yeah, I know. Next time bring some Hi-Potions with you, and try to kite for the cooldown for the potion, and try to inflict heavy on it if he isn't immune to it. I usually use Blizzard I, then Thunder I, then Blizzard I again, then Thunder I. I alternate between them to reactivate their effects. I know Fire does more damage once it's effect is active, but it saps more MP out of you. I think conservatively sometimes...XD
  7. I used it, but I don't remember if it had an effect on him. Some of them take multiple times for it to stick. It might be possible to kite it with it slowed down, but only if it actually sticks. Bosses tend to be more resistant to heavy from what I've seen.
  8. Did you try to keep yourself at a safe distance and cast Blizzard I and or II? That usually slows them down, so it is always a good Idea to start with Blizzard I or II.
  9. Yeah, I know about the level sync. But as a mage I don't have the defense you do. So I take hits worse off. I had figured everything else out, but I had no means of regaining my lost HP. It's more fun beating things when you don't have the defense to keep you safe.
  10. I beat the Masked Magicians Demon on the First Try. The max level for that fight is 17, and you cannot go over that level to start it(If you are over lvl 17 it automatically reduces your level to 17 to start the fight). Yeah, you should have brought a couple Hi-Potions. I only needed 1, but it helped. You will get the chance next weekend I think. If not then we will have to remake our characters for Phase 4 and do everything together again. I will probly solo stuff, but when you guys are on I don't mind helping out and or doing the quests together. I learn quick when it comes to MMORPGs.
  11. Yeah, I was expecting to have all of Sunday to play, clear away my plans for Sunday. Oh well, I made it to level 16 before things were closed. I couldn't beat the solo quest where I have to find some lesser demon thing the Masked Mage summoned. I'm guessing I need to bring a lot of potions or something to survive it since I was not making good progress.
  12. Just slept for 12 hours...sorry if I missed out on something. I apparently cannot play anymore. Didn't know we only had 48 hours to play the game. Now we have to wait till next weekend or something. I was really looking forward to playing today So, what now?
  13. It is a beta test, that is to be expected. They are still testing things out to see what works and does not work. And they'll need as much data as they can get from the starting since it is where everyone will be in the end and the first impression people have. Though it's a little worrisome if you can get all of that in just a day. People are going to be through all of the content in no time if people level so quickly.
  14. Well, I am now lvl 16 as a gladiator, lvl 8 as a Thaumaturgist, and lvl 5 as a Miner all on one character! Too bad they are getting deleted I didn't know they were going to delete our character data once phase 3 was done...All the time and effort going down the drain... >_< Sure, we get to have fun and try it out before it gets released, but then we would have to restart from scratch, again. I don't like doing that when I lose my main character in the process.
  15. Yeah, I sped through the levels pretty quickly.
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