Oh, that must have taken hell. Did you solo Sprog 2 once you reached GR10? I recall dying within three hits at GR6 soloing Sprog 1. Oh, that sucks really bad. I tried to buy some DLC job parts, but the stupid errors that still exist within the PSN Store wouldn't let me. Though, I'm using an INT/DEX build, so would I want to stock up on DEX or INT more?
Yeah I did Sprogs 1, but Sprogs 2 is better. You'll get your full level in 2 hours. And only the mage georama armor can be obtained without DLC before GR12. You will end up a little short on everything else.
Did you use Sprog Cleaning 1? I spent about ten hours grinding to 50 for one rebirth with that and got bored quickly. And I'm trying to get Georama armor, but it seems impossible getting to +50 without DLC. =\ How did you do it? Oh, I heard from Gemma. =D Random, eh? I feel the multitude of things to do in this game will leave me insane. I've never been one to multitask nor keep organized. XD
I did two rebirths before GR10 and two rebirths at GR10. I didn't upgrade stuff other than my staff, because I had Lily armor, it is not upgradable. And I'm a mage, just as fragile. Until last week I played with Shadow, Entity and Dragonheart. But I've been doing more random stuff since.
I'm a rather fragile bow-user, so I suppose it's near impossible for me with the equipment available at thus time. xD What kind of class do you use? And I suppose you didn't start rebirthing and upgrading until GR10, at least? I've been playing online with strangers for Big Red II. Is it what you've used?
Being able to solo Big Red 2 is mostly dependent on your class you're playing. If you're a tank then it is like that you can or a heavily armored longsword. But it is certainly very risky. Playing online is the fastest way, if you end up with a full party or just someone really strong you can bring BR2 down in a couple of minutes the boss. The quest will be like 4-5 minutes. And I'm GR11.
Andro, perhaps you could help me out on something? I'm looking for advice on White Knight Chronicles, and you always seem to be the gaming guru, hehe. What GR are you at? (I just remember now that I can stalk you on Geonet.) I'm only at 8, almost to 9, but something about playing online seems kind of slow. Do you think it's possible to solo Big Red II at this point?
Well it really depends on the crossover, in Cross Edge it was the case they were from their own world and knew it, but sort of lost their memories. I own Radiata Stories, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Saw today that they were working on Radiata Historia, which seemed a little strange since Square published the last one. But Tri-Ace has been jumping around on publishers since Star Ocean 4. They gave Resonance of Fate to Sega.
Oh, that's great to hear. The humor has always been one of the main reliefs for me since often times I'd just watch the cutscenes again for the quotes. So Pamela is the Gust equivalent of Nippon Ichi's Pleinair. I liked her in Trinity, so I've no doubt I'll like her in Atelier. I've noticed that unlike most RPGs with guest appearances, Trinity Universe has the guest characters with the same personality and not a random "How did I get here?" type of back-story. Also, you're rather familiar with tri-Ace and their games, aye? Does this mean you've played Radiata Stories, too? Have you heard of Atlus's plan to make Radiata Historia (for the DS) with Radiata Stories' staff?
They generally have a good dose of humor. It varies from game to game, Mana Khemia 2 was really funny and Atelier Iris 1 was really great for breaking the fourth wall. Though you don't really need to have played the other games to be able to play it. The only thing you'll miss out on is that Pamela is sort of the mascot character of the series and appears in quite a few of the games always as a ghost and often with a teddy bear. That's why she's in Trinity Universe. She does tend to have a different story every time though, but whenever she shows up there's fun to be found.
Oh, I saw that! Six more days, huh? I was gonna get it, too. Though I haven't played the series or even Mana Khemia yet, it looks nice. Does it have that great humor? x3
Yeah, Atelier Rorona is next week. ^^ Though I'm really excited to get Atelier Totori since it has a better art style. But Atelier games are good anyway.
Hahaha, well, I do recall reading you being excited or something over Atelier Rorona's release, which is a Gust game I don't think that many people are familiar with. But yeah, I could spot the JRPG thing. XD I love them, too.
Similar choices? Not sure where that is, but more than likely if I listed RPGs it would definitely be easy to figure that I would play Trinity Universe. But I do own all of the JRPGs on the PS3 in the US. ^^;
I didn't ask for one and I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it. I'm just going to be going about my job as I always have been.