You are cruel!!! I hope you are proud of yourself (I know you are actually)
Don't have nightmares! How do you like trumpet? how often do you play?
If PF does it, I love it!!!! I play the trumpet, and love it Wanted to play the tuba, but the director took one look at me, said no, and to go grab a trumpet. God I love that man
just listened to it... its strange, pretty cool though, their image reminds me of slipknot, my brother is big into slipknot.. the floyd! brilliant, do you prefer the early stuff or the later with dave gilmour? yea? thats great. what did you play in band?
ICP....kinda like a mix of eminem, and a trio of guys with a really messed up sense of humor. Look up The Great Milenko, you might like it. I forgot an all time fave!!! Pink Floyd-nuf said I have a big love for classical music, probably comes from all that time in band & chior in high school.
cool! muse and metallica are great. whats ICP? like a lot of rock from the 60's. all the greats... big beatles fan/obsession lol recently listenin to quite a bit of country, americana and bluegrass. quite into classical music too
A lot.... Daft Punk, ICP, Muse, Metallica, Hinder, the list goes on and on and on...... What about you?
what music do you like?
I didn't realize you guys were so far ahead of us
wow It's 7.30 pm here!
1:16 pm, I usually stay up all night, but hardly ever through the next day too!! What time is it for you?
what time is it?
You shouldn't worry too much as long as you have time for a quick look over the material. No news here really, just on my way to bed. I should have fone that hours ago
My day is ok. I feel guilty and worried for not studying enough for an exam today.... I've got bad motovation. any news?
How is your day so far?