Conversation Between seanb and Firefly

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. pretty much noodles with chicken or beef flavoring. It is actually not that bad :3
  2. he's hilarious...
    gotta love stewie... he really cracks me up aha

    btw whats a ramen? ,.. or whatever its called, the thing you said you were cooking in your journal?
  3. fav has to be Peter :3
  4. It's incredible. pure genius!
  5. That show is soo dumb but pretty funny lol
  6. It's all good... just watching family guy
  7. Ohh. And I am doing about you? :]
  8. She has a nice song called pretend.
    Sierra Hull

    so howar you?
  9. Hmm...that name rings a bell,but I don't think I have : /
  10. Hey. Have you heard of Sierra Hull? She's from Tennessee I think... Mandolin player.
  11. When I was about 2 or 3... I was OBESSESSED with Sesame Street,Barney,and Teletubbies xD
    And on my FB,Spongebob is under my list of Inspirational People xD
  12. there really is a huge amount of brainless bullcrap being broadcasted....

    ahhh spongebob!!! what a hero! its quality stuff.
    I used to be obsessed with postman pat when I was really young
  13. Yeah,your exactly right. TV is mostly re-runs of the same show over and over,or just a variety of stupid-a** shows.

    Now if I am in the room with my family,they usually watch the news or Spongebob(when my cousins or brothers and sisters are around),and that is literally the only time I will ever watch TV. Oh..and I like to watch Spongebob xD
  14. Yea you know what I mean then
    Tv is ok but its the same thing over and over again...
    I like the odd how its made show or engineering shows, and thats just if the tv happens to be on when im in the room...
  15. Lol

    And yeah,I used to watch TV constantly,but when I got in high-school...I literally stopped watching it. Either I was too tired to watch it or I had too much homework to do,and ever since then..well I can't exactly watch TV,it bores me to death :/
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