Ummmm I have played more since then now and ask rose to explain what happened maybe you may find out the truth behind this stupid argument
Why are you even on a Final Fantasy forum if you've never played any others but 10? And I mean, you're just not trusted anymore. I'l leave you with me calling you a moron. Why lie about your nationality?
IDK ask Rose
I doubt that even! Seriously, who are you?
I see hmmm I should have been more procise I am of European nationality
Rose told me the truth! Saying that you're in the army and that you're American to him! I mean, what the hell man?
I am brittish where do you get off saying I am not
What? I didn't lie about how I felt! But, that's in the past now and I'd rather you keep it that way.
I see I am not sending them I wanted to see your reaction or were those lies too
So, it's blackmail is it? I don't care. Send them, I don't care.
You are getting on my nerves and I remember the Fight between you and Ralz I have the messages still
See, you can't name one because I've never lied.
Haha wow I can tell this isn't going anywhere
I've never lied to my friends... Tell me one time that I have?
Last time I looked I was and are we gonna fight I mean seriously you lie too