What? I know what you mean! I've modded some PC games before.
... LOL! There are some awesome things though!
Why don't you use the dark powers of emulation? I mean, the VBA emulator and FFVI go hand in hand! OKAY! XD
... Well, I'm happy playing FFVIII, I still have to play FFVI though... OK!
Oh, you're taking it rather well! You know, losing Sephiroth 3 times in a row now. Nope, I don't have a modded PSP but I was going to get the DarkAlex Firmware onto it. I kinda failed because I don't have a Magic Memory Stick or that Pandora Battery that you need... hehe... Well, I'll give it a lookie and see what I'm missing out on, eh?
Not a whole lot, kinda ticked about losing both Sephiroth AND Rufus, but Oh well! I have some textures, do you have a modded PSP, at any rate, here's the Modding subforum (On Dissidia forums): Dissidia Workshop - Dissidia Forums I'll send some textures I modded if you would like.
Nothing much, what about you? It sounds like it could be fun! What do I do?
'Sup? Interested in Dissidia modding? (IE, changing the way things look in it.)
Thanks Alther! =D
LOL, nice name change!
Nice Avvy!
Psst! Wanna see a comic taht shows how I feel about Sora?
'Sup? Has Ralz been whispering lies about me hating Sephy and loving Kefka into your ear?
'Sup? I started a new Elimination!
how are you?