I'm God
Hey, how in the hell did you get that score in Tower defense 2007? The one with water cannons and crap.
WE should do seperates posts, one on FF7 and FF8 categories on Ulty vs Sephy cause We are just blabbering mindlessy lol I won't comment if you do a FF7 one and you shouldn't on my FF8 one, just so I can get the FF8 fans reasons why they think Sephiroth would win, and in this one, I will try to be on Sephys side, explaining from what you said and you could do the same.
Yup, that's my active, and I'm still in school, so I haven't hit the decay period yet lol. If I can at all avoid it, I won't ever hit it. I enjoy gaining new knowledge. I do exhibit the reasoning abilities of a genius, but I'm a major underachiever, so I'm not a straight A guy or anything. But I exhibit most of the other characeristics of my IQ. Like the massive superiority complex for one lol.
I'm really interested in your Iq, 147? Is that your active IQ? I mean IQ tends to drop 5 for every year out from school, and most people with abundant IQ's show little intellectual properties of a genius, most harbor it... like myself in a sense. Oh and I'm posting the strongest Main Protagonist thread, so I hope you give your voice in it too, it would be appreciated.