Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Oneesan

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. More of a metalhead myself. Mystly things older than I am, and obscure European symphoic metal and power metal, really anything with crazy complex guitar solos in it I like.
  2. Ahh...the spices of life. Give me some ICP, some worthy manga, and a full stock of spicy chex mix and see you in a few weeks; I'm busy!
  3. Lazing about is one of my faovrite things to be doing. Especially with some music, or anime, or video games, or caffiene, or obscenely hot food, or some combination of these.
  4. We bums get a bad rep! Leave us alone already, there is nothing wrong with with lazing about. To each his own!
  5. Just being a bum over here. Took the summer off from school, so I've been doing alot of that lately lol.
  6. For some reason this is turning out to be another lazy as hell day for me. Hows it going for you?
  7. Same here! It was fun times, catch ya later!
  8. Laziness is among my favorite things. As are boobs.

    In any case, I check in regularly, so I'm always up for a chat.
  9. Somehow I thought that (boobs), would be the case.
    I would chat/post more often, but my computer is in the pawn shop and I am lazy as hell when it comes to browsing on the ps3.
    Well, I am lazy as hell anytime . If I don't have enough room to say what I want then I'll just keep my mouth shut.
  10. No problem. People usually find me fairly easy to talk to, since I'm carefree with most everything. I've never been one to consider my words carefully either. First thing on my mind you can rest assured will be the first thing out of my mouth lol.

    Really, you had me at Ninjas and blood, the boobs were just overkill. Of course if you'd listed them in reverse order, the boobs would've been sufficient with the ninjas and blood as the icing on the cake...
  11. Great philosophy! Since I am only clever in my own warped mind, I appreciate it even more. Hell, this might have been one of my more honest conversations, since I am still testing the waters with most people here. Therefore, I feel I must thank you for bringing out the side of me that actually speaks before having time to reconsider. This truly is interesting.

    Basilisk mainly consists of ninjas, blood, and boobs. So worth the time
  12. They used to make me bounce off the walls like a psycho. Over the years of caffiene abuse, I've kinda become immune to it. I can seriously slam like, a gallon of energy drinks in one sitting then go take a nap. At this point I really think I just drink em for the flavor. Or perhaps I've become an adict without realizing it.

    There are a few sides to me as well. There's the philosophizer with a blackbelt in mind****, there's a saddist with a nasty temper, then there's the usual me, Chaotic neutral to the core. I do what I want, when I want, why I want, don't even care.

    Also, no, haven't read or watched that yet, might have to put it on my watch list o.O
  13. Energy drinks make me scary. Really, there are like 3 different people in here! Sweet as sin, just don't give a shit, and raging bitch voted most likely to be banned! I'm feeling choice B today though, if they don't like it oh well, take your business elsewhere.
    Anyways, end rant! Have you seen/read Basilisk?
  14. I eat ramen like chips lol. I just grab the back, beat the living Hell out of a poor defenseless table with it, open the bag, pour in the seasoning pack, and there ya have it, outrageously salty beefy and/or chicken..-ey chips!

    Mmm... sodium benzoate... I usually do the Dew myself. User to be a rootbeer addict, now it's Dew. Or energy drinks. There's a gas station a couple blocks from my house with Nuclear in the pop machines. Half a gallon of energy drink for 1.25$? **** yeah, costs damn near twice that for a can anwhere else XD
  15. There is a very spicy ramen pack that I pretty much live on, have since I was 15! So freakin good!!!
    Its really funny that you bring up Kenshin, I am switching between the site and the manga now . Thank Yoda for free scans!
    I love to cook, but since I am useless for about an hour after I wake up, a dr pepper is my breakfast of choice. Caffine, sugar, and sodium benzoate.......yummy!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 49
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