Conversation Between Diyala and Dodie16

111 Visitor Messages

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  1. Himi san means Miss Himi
    Himi sama hehehe means something greater like Your highness
    but after all Himi means princess ^^
    so thanks Dodie sama
    I'm doing great , I lost some of my weight , you know I'm that kind who don't eat too much but seems to be in love with food hahah
    not fat , I'm only 51 but I'm not that tall heheh
  2. I'm doing alright. I don't know much about Japanese honorifics, so I don't know whether to say "Himi-san" or "Himi-sama". I guess either way is fine though.

    How are you doing these days?
  3. How are you Dodie san ?^^
  4. Oh, now I'm gonna run and type them hahahah
    Don't worry I will read yours and comment either ...just wait ^_^
  5. Don't worry about reading all of my journal. Most of what I wrote in there is just dumb stuff about my life, but I do try to make it a little entertaining just in case someone does actually read the thing. If you ever start one, I would definitely read it.
  6. heheh Yes I said
    I once visited your journals too it looks amazing
    but I didn't got the time to read it all
    Oh I'm curious to know more about you as you might come to know me
    through my journals too
  7. Hello Himi! I hope you're doing alright. I saw that you said you might start a journal. I think you should, but only if you really want to of course. ^^

    No, my voice is still gone. Thanks for asking about it though.
  8. Hi Dodie ^_^
    almost curious to know about your voice ^_^, have you got it back ?
  9. Yeah exactly ...
    see you soon Dodie ^_^
  10. Muffins are like cupcakes, except muffins don't normally have frosting on top and are usually made with fruit mixed in the batter.

    I can cook if I feel like it, but I have to follow a recipe most of the time. There's very few dishes that I know off the top of my head.

    Good luck with learning how to cook! It's easy if you follow the instructions, but sometimes it does seem like some people are better at it than others.
  11. muffins is another name of cake or it's different ?
    Oh I feel you're a good cooker ^_^ coz I'm not but I will learn coz mammy is great in cooking
  12. I love cake! Too bad yours didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. I made muffins before, and accidentally added too much baking soda. They were the worst muffins I ever eaten. They tasted really salty and just plain bad.

    Point is, we all make mistakes. Next time you make your cake, you'll do better.
  13. hmmm disappointed , I've just made cake and it was awful mommy said you must forgot something but i'm sure of doing it the way i used too ahhhhha
  14. Hey Himi! Doing pretty good. Nothing really special is going on today, so I might just work on some projects that I've been meaning to finish up. I doubt I will actually finish them though.

    How are you?
  15. Hello Dodie how are you ^_^?
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