Well, I'd love to see any form of writing, but I have to say that my favorite is poetry. Do you write any poetry? =)
Of couse I'm happy for you asking that do you wanna evaluate me ? thanks but what kind of writings are you asking for?.
Glad I could help~! =D If you ever have time, I'd love to see some of your writing. =) That is, if you don't mind, of course.
Yes it did , Arigatoo guzaymas ^_________^
Hmm, I think both would work, but the second one sounds a bit strange, somewhat. For example, take these two sentences: "He granted us three wishes." and "He granted for us three wishes." The first one sounds correct, but the second one sounds sort of weird, don't you think? For is like a filler word here. =3 So I would use the one without the word for. Hope that helped. =D
Hey Fate how are you ? I miss your perfect answers ^^ Take this : many things he has granted us or granted for us ?
Heh-heh~. No problem at all. =)
Oh yeas it's ooc sorry thanks for your explaination ^_*
Actually, there's another O, so it's OOC. ^~ But anyway, out of character is a term used mainly in role-playing, where you take the role of someone else that isn't you. Let's call yourself character A and the one you are role-playing as Character B. Normally, you would be writing as Character B since you're in the middle of role-playing, but when you have something to say--like if it's about the role-play itself--you need to speak as Character A, and that's called going out of character. Woo, that was a bit confusing. ^_^;
Hello Fate , It's fated that I will bother u with my questions comeing out of nowhere here it is OC = out of character , what does it mean?
Aww, that's sweet, thanks! ^_____^ That Link one is one of my favorites, too. =P
Hi Fate woow I was wondering about the beautiful Avatars I'm seeing around so you're the creater ha , that's amazing I love them all especially that one of TidusX and the one of your profile ^_^ keep up the good work
Thanks I will remember that ^_^
No problem. Sorry I couldn't be of much help there, though. ^_^; If you ever need help with like grammar or sentence structure, I'm decent at that. =)
Dear Fate it was a question given to me by a friend and I tryed to help her by asking you and since you haven't heard of it I think she might was wrong or that wasn't an idiom or something ..hmmm may be it was uncompleted sentence anyway thank you so much ^_^