Conversation Between GypsyElder and Dimi

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. I got a couple interviews at the mall I'm waiting for a call back From Vans and I have an interview at Macy's later.

    Hey me too. I didn't get into my English class =( Now I have to do that and something else to make up for lost time. I need to talk to a counselor to see what else I need to take.

    Just shitty math haha.
  2. I went picking up job applications at the mall and the plaza last week. I plan on turning them in by Friday. But the places over there are definitely looking to hire for seasonal positions.

    Ah. I go three days a week. I'm also taking two classes Winter session too. I tried getting English this term but the spots were already filled. So I'm going to take it this session. What classes are you taking right now?
  3. Definitely not 12, I can't do full time because I'm looking for a job

    I only go two days a week now, and I have to take two classes during Winter session, which is gonna suck.
  4. That sucks. And what sucks even more is the classes that have been cut this term. I was supposed to take about 12 units this term but one of my classes ended up getting cancelled and I had to drop the other for this other class I was trying to get into. How many units are you taking?
  5. Fine and Media Art. haha. I have lots of pre requisites though >=(
  6. That's awesome. I'm a mutt. Haha. But a majority of me is latino. And I was born and raised here my entire life. That's completely crazy though. Are you majoring in anything?
  7. For as long as I can remember, but I wasn't born here. I was born in the Philippines, I'm half Filipino
  8. Holy shit. Me too. How long have you lived out here?
  9. c.c.
  10. Same. C.C. or Uni?
  11. yeesshh.

  12. No way. Are you in college or something?
  13. Mmmhmmm.
  14. Haha. Rivershit, CA?
  15. Rivershit <3

    not a coincidence
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 63
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