Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Andromeda

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. OK, THANK YOU. i STARTED ON PART 7 ^^ Sorry about caps XD
    I think im better when im typing in a document. In a post im not that great XD
    Thx for advice ^^
  2. If you don't have Word you might have Works. I think Works is free too. Word will cost you usually unless you get as a package with your PC.

    ^^ Yeah, that's good.
  3. Ok ^^
    I think your the best writer on the forum's ^^
    I have to use Wordpad cuz i dont have word anymore. gonna ask my mom if i can get it because im about to go to 7th grade and i might need it XD
    But thank you, I will not comment stupidly ^^
    I wont use word's Like: Awsome! Super! Cool! Bad!!! Or any other word that... Well you know ^^
  4. I do everything from word. You learn quickly that anything you are doing at length will want to be done outside of an internet browser. The browser can crash, the forums can crash, you can back and lose everything you did. It is safer in word where you have an autosave. Then you can just copy it out into the post. It's a lot easier and you have a copy save to your computer that you can take with you.

    You are welcome to comment on my story at any time. Remember to be specific when you can about you liked or didn't like. Specific feedback is a lot more useful to someone than a general awesome or bad.
  5. Oh! So... Do you just type it on a document, then copy 'n paste it on the post? I might do that ha! ^^
  6. ^^; Well that is normal. At least for me. Though it is best not to think of them as chapters but episodes. However, considering a novel they are probably on average a normal length. They are 14-17 pages in length in a standard word doc.
  7. There are longer chapter's??? holy cow!!! *Dies*
  8. Depends on which story you're talkinga bout. If you talking about Shift then those are actually very short. The other stories available on the forums are three times as long per post. Shift is format to be manga chapters the others are formatted to be anime episodes.
  9. good to know ^^
    gonna read some more of your story... But jezz, your chapter's are really long ^^
  10. ^^; I'm just busy working on my environment.
  11. Yay!!! Andro's on ^^
    EK!!! YAY!
    So whacha up to?
  12. Oh, ok i was just wondering ^^
  13. To prevent people from just joining the forum in order to play the games. Its a forum the purpose isn't the arcade. So we put the requirement there.
  14. Um... I have a little question... Why do you have to have a post count of 100+ to get in the arcade?
  15. Yea ^^
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