*Gasps* I don't argue <_< *Looks around edgily* <_<_<_<
Wanna argue? I fell like arguing!!!
Your welcome n.n
ok thank you ^^
Sure ^^ I'll try my style sig set for the banner :3
Yea for the website ^^, and can it sayCatz club? (You can either use a S or a Z doesnt matter) And con you use something like your avatar? If can that's AWSOME!
A banner for the site? Like the size I have on the Council forum? And what would you like the text on the banner to say? And thank you =^^=
Omg! Your sig, and avatar are so cute!!! If your not busy can you... Make me a banner for my club? Cuz i was gonna put it on the homepage cuz... I dont think my club sig contest isnt gonna work XD... So can you? My club's all about cute kit kat's!!! If you can that's great ^^
Smilies are essential :3
It;s in my signature, not really done but... Got a few thing's up and running. Gonna go look at getting some new smiley's ^^
Ooo you have a forum? ^^ Which board hosts it?
i got a forum, hated that long wait for new server ^^ Don't even know how to get on it ^^
Invisionfree is what the forum is hosted on. It's quite a handy site really for basic needs ^^.
Um... I was just wondering... which website did you make your forum's On? Cuz i was gonna make forum for my club. I tryed one and it wont let me log on. If you don't know what website you got it on, that's ok.
I know, just tellin yea ^^