Conversation Between LaCkyy and Unknown Entity

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Cool! If you are able to post it, let me know because I wanna read!
  2. Yes, i started it a while back just haven't published it anywhere yet.
  3. Hmm... I've never posted a walkthrough guide before, or anything bulky like it so... I don't really know. You have to ask an Admin - one of the mods or Fuzz.

    Did you write the walkthrough?
  4. Hey can i ask you a question?

    I was thinking about posting a Final Fantasy X walkthrough in the Writers Corner but it wont let me, said something about Administrators permission?

    Do you know what this is?

  5. You sure will have a good time. Nice place...
  6. Same, i haven't been a member of TFF for long but i try to get online every day. To make new friends, and have a good time, and also discuss FF.
  7. I can see lol! Its nice to get a new member who is friendly too.

    From all the forums I've been on, I think TFF is the one I've spent more time in - all the others either had horrible members, or the place got boring. Haha, I can never leave this place longer than a day!
  8. It's ok, and thank you very much. I'm settling into TFF very well, the people here are really friendly and that's what you need in a decent forum.

    This is far the best forum, i have ever been part of.
  9. A very late welcome to TFF! Oops...
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 39 of 39
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