Conversation Between Alther Primus and SilkAngel

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awww, that's so nice!
    I'm comin to the party!
  2. Hey! Where are you???? You're gonna miss the party!!!
  3. There's a party going on in Ryu's room!
  4. How do you like what I put you as?
  5. Sure!
    Just surprise me with what you put for me. :3
  6. Wanna join TFF Families? I'll be yor

    "Awesome, Evil, chaotic younger brother, Armageddon"
  7. *Joins in on Evil laughter* Muahahahahaha!!
    Only a genius of my caliber could comprehend such a wonderful idea! >
  8. Hmmmmm... *begins chuckling evilly*
  9. Yeppers! Buddies need to be nice to each other...with the occasional zombie attack...(They need to eat too! >.>)

    Hahaha, you should hire Fate to become your slave.
  10. No, but your my pal!
    (I have chained slaves working in the kitchen for crying out loud! ROFL!)
  11. My zombies scared ya, huh?
  12. Don't worry LOL!
  13. Nothing much! I fixed my profile. Is it easier on the eyes now??
    You're very welcome! I expect royal treatment though!! >:3 If not...I may just have to send my zombies to eat you...
    >.> <.<
  14. Oh! Nice prfile! My eyes aren't burning LOL!
  15. 'Sup! Also thanks for entering my castle!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 49
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