Conversation Between Alther Primus and Xanatos

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. I never really paid to much attention to that part of this forum neither to group section, but if you want to than no problem, sure why not. Oh and thanks again I didn't known there is DMC group.
  2. Q, do you want to join TFF Families?
    I'll be your...

    "Chaotic CnC modding younger brother Armageddon"
  3. In that case i know a cool social group! Also, I noticed that you have yet to join the DMC group! The Group names are Citezens of Chaosthroph and for the DMC one? The sons of Sparda. Just thought you should know!
  4. Of course, I wouldn't take Kuja or Vergil as my avatar if I didn't like villains.
  5. Now this is just a random (semi) question, do you like villains?
  6. Well I don't think that I'm really much of a help, you do all the work.
  7. Could I do anything less for someone helping me with my mod? ROFL!
  8. Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it.
  9. 'Sal right! And like i said, if you need help, I'll help!!!! It's the least I can do!
  10. Yes, I have received them both, I didn't started drawing the pictures. Didn't have much free time today but I'll start them soon. Right now I'm trying to finish one picture for competition in anime club.
  11. Did you get my PMs? (I sent a second one titled oops, if not then I'll send it to you again)
    Also, how are the pics coming?
  12. Sorry I forgot to answer you that, well if you think that it suits for Paragon than why not.
  13. Pretty good. Also, like I asked, should the Heliminer be an airborne slave miner kind of thing?
  14. Nothing much, this day has been too boring. How bout you?
  15. 'Sup?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 94
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