Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Updated! Watcha think?
  2. 'Sall right!
    Thanks! I'll try to fix the text, but other than that, I'm glad you like it! I might try it with Jason next, and if that turns out well, Pinhead!
  3. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the first one. XX
    I think the avatar looks great~ The color on him is suited for the background, but the one thing that doesn't seem to be as good is the text. Personally, the font looks too weird for avatars, and the color red isn't such a good choice when the avatar itself is red.

    By the way, what are the blue lines?
  4. well?
  5. Hey Fate!
    Check out my new Avvy! It's an attempt to create my own style, loosely based off of yours!
    Lemme know what you think! (Oh, and I also uploaded it to my avvy album(
  6. Thew characters in most modern games are 3D models with UV wraps and Textures.

    Oh... nevermind!
  7. These are textures? xD
    Wait, I think I got confuzzled along the way. =P
    PSP textures as in Playstation Portable textures (of which I was not aware they existed) or Paint Shop Pro textures (which I've heard)? XD

    ::EDIT:: I just remembered that I don't have my Dissidia anymore... >>
  8. How about....
    A Playable Pink Garland?
    A silver Gabranth?
    (I've got a darker cloud, so...)
  9. I've never used PSP textures, to be honest, but gimme something bright. xD
  10. ;-)
    Eh, well OK!
    Again, want me to send the texture?
    Any requests?
  11. Hiya, hiya! =D
    Oh, and about the hacking PSP, I'm not sure whether mine is compatible? They might all be, but they said the newer Slim versions mid 2009- are the ones that have been tweaked, and I think that's when I bought mine. =P I'll download the things, though, when I get around to it. x3
  12. 'Sup with you?
  13. How are you?
    Do you want me to send the texture anyway? (Cloud, so...)
    Any texture requests? (Nothing TOO ridiculus please)
  14. =p
    i don'ts haz 1!
  15. I remember seeing a TV option for PSP? =D
    How come you don't hack yours? =S
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