Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. Done! Ralz is in the album "Citezens of Chaosthroph Concepts"
  2. Hey! I'm starting a mini project! I'm editing pics for CoC,you can check them out if you want!
    (I'll make you after me, OK?)
  3. Literally, nothing. He just woke up.


    Mm-hmm what?

    He's trying to remember his past. He seems to remember Dimitri and Elyon, so sort of a mental thing there.

  4. So, he can't remember what happened before he wound up in the desert? Or is it just a moderate blank? He knows his previous life, just not why he's in a desert? Your story actually fits in with what we have planned, so thanks for that!

    That's pretty much how I pictured Alther. He didn't seem like the Care Bears type, lol.



    What I mean by this is any personal conflicts or dramas. Is there someone or something he must deal with? Is he trying to find answers or find someone? That sort of thing.

    Before the desert incident?

    I'll ask them pretty soon, while I figure out what Elyon really wants. In the meantime, please think it over. And thanks a lot for your contribution.
  5. Backstory: Waking up in a desolate desert with a russty sword and a handgun, he began wandering around. He heard the sounds of combat, so he headed towards them. After killing the giant Gjar, he followed Elyon because he seemed familiar.

    Lifestyle/attitude: Training rather consistently, Alther rarely relaxes. He has a very antisocial attitude, refusing to socialize unless forced to.

    Treatment of others: Ignors them, and walks off if they try to talk to him. If he's forced to talk, he says what he has to say in as few words as possible.

    View of the world: Sees it as a cold place where people are meant to live their short lives and pass on.

    Conflicts: You mean in general? Against himself? Other People? All of the above? Clarify please.

    Motivation: To regain his memory,

    Lemme know whenyou need Althers memoriesd, I've got them planned out (I'm keeping the Angelicos thing, I'll fill in any blanks later.)
  6. Alther, I wanted to ask you a few questions about.... well, Alther. Your character in the Chaosthroph game. I'm doing this because I need general direction when crafting characters. I feel it would be best if everyone had their say before I proceed. Answer the following, please.

    Your character's basic backstory
    Your character's current lifestyle and attitude
    Your character's treatment of others
    Your character's view of the world
    Your character's potential conflicts
    Finally, your character's motivations

    You don't need to answer them all at once, and if there are any you don't understand, let me know. Thanks.
  7. Hmm... apply generic "optimist douchehat" for the quoting. I don't think I really have any standards. Typical stuff like "Ha! You like that?" or "I thought at much."

    Defeat should be somewhat complain-y, like "Aw man, I was doing so well!"

    Basically, light attacks are his better abilities. Like a 3-hit combo that sends the other guy flying. Definitely poke attacks.

    Teleport might be a bit advanced...

    Hmm, probably a fire spell for ranged.

    A flashy sword combo for sure. Maybe a hadoken lazor for lolz. xD

    Blitz Ace-type for sure. A bunch of quick slashes, ending with a massive explosion.
    Simple power up. Maybe a glow, as well as boosted damage

    Hmm... more ultimate than the power up? Maybe he can fly?

    Hmm... Throwing the weapon would look cool. Or maybe turning the sword huge and performing a ridiculous combo.

    This is exciting!
  8. So what goin' down about da 1337 MUGEN dawg?
  9. Coo, coo, dog.
  10. Not much, yo?
  11. Yo, man, wuzzup in the peace house my home dog, for shizzit?
  12. Wassup Ralz?
  13. Here's what I'll be using for each character:
    4 common attacks (Light Melee, Heavy Melee, Xtra heavy melee, "poke")
    Teleport (I wanna know what it'll look like)
    ranged attack
    2 Specials (IE, a weak energy beam, or a quick sword attack, ect. ect.)
    3 Ultimates (Seriously heavy power, The equivilent of Omnislash, Supernova, Big Bang Kamehameha x 100, ect. ect.)
    Transform 1 (Either a different form, or a simple power up)
    See Above for all with 1 exception:
    Transform 2: Transform to the 3rd form
    for the 3rd form:
    See above with 2 exception
    4 Ultimates
    No transform

    MUGEN can imitate any 2D Fighting game (Guilty Gear, MvC2, ect. ect.)

    Sound good?
  14. MUGEN... I think I remember hearing about that when I was in high school.

    I'm a bit interested now.

    Speedy fast to start. Could you outline what is needed in the movelist? Like what attacks are possible and what isn't? I'm somewhat modeling him after Sora, of course.

    Power-ups, huh?
  15. Have you ever heard of MUGEN?
    Simply put, it's a free fighting game maker.
    I'm planning on making a MUGEN of Citezens of Chaosthroph.
    What I would like to know, is the following:
    What forms do you want, how do you want to play? (IE, fast and speedy, slow and lumbeing, middle. ect. ect. I'd like a full MUGEN Movelist if possible (2-3 forms, if 2 then I want twice the attacks for first form, Please.)

    PS. I'm talking about Hyper moves (AKA, Ultimates)
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