I'm Alright, And My Weekend Was Pretty Good, Celebrated Thanksgiving At My Friend's Place, So Yeah I Was Sick On Friday Though.
I went out for a walk with my family .Yesterday my aunt and her daughter came over . It was good seeing them How are you and how was yours ?
Hey How Was Your Weekend? What Did You Do?
Yeah, I Know...XD Meh, Nothing Much, I'm Just Watching Sucker Punch Online At The Moment.
Well , it wasn't that bad . I had nothing to do so I went shopping with my little sister and bought some new pajamas I couldn't resist and yeah they're toooo comfortable ! Cleaning isn't bad either due to what comes next . A place that is neat and elegant ^^ So what's going on ?
Well, This Weekend Was Shitty, Cause I Was Stuck Cleaning The House...I Don't Really Feel Like Getting Into Details As To Why I Had No Choice To Clean...But Yeah, It Was Pretty Bad. Anyway, Today I'm Alright. Gonna See If I Can Reply To Some Of The Stuff My Girlfriend Wrote On Facebook. How Was Your Weekend?
So how are you today ? We had a lot of guests today which can be taken as something good but I thought I'm gonna die because of the high heels I wore
Ahh, I See, Okay Then. That Is Nice That Your Trying To Teach Yourself English. I Know The Feeling Of Not Having A Job To Get To Buy Things When You Get Paid...It Sucks Not Having Any Money...XD
My plans are doing things that would help in the progress of my English . That's why I try to visit these forums more than before and chat with the friendly ones around here . I read some topics and get to know more about the slang English . I read different books and try to gather as many new vocab as I can , you can say self teaching as I suppose . so these are my plans so far who knows I might get a job as an English teacher for early grads thats what I really dream to have coz being jobless sometimes sucks
Yes, It Did...Hehe
Well ...not only your typing style did tell you are unique , but also the way you are , imm I wonder who was the guy that did great in his presentation and had the best mark of his biology test and was highly praised by his teacher and love to cheer up others when they're down !Not all people can have all such qualitie by the way . now did that make sense to you ?
Thanks How Am I Truly Unique? Just Curious About Your Opinion On That. Anyway, What You Up To? Got Any Plans At All?
Wooooow ! That is wonderful ! It's really good to hear that you are truly unique ^_* I know how it feels when you're teacher praise your hard effort and you personally! Good luck in your other tests . Yeah I'm up now and you can talk to me any time
Oyasimi To You Too I'll Talk To You Later I Guess. Have A Good One
Thats Awesomenesstastical! Anyway, Today I Finished Both Of My Big Tests, And I Think I Did Well, But Who Knows. Also Got My Biology Quiz Back Yesterday, And I Got A Perfect Score!!! I Had The Best Mark In The Class, And I Was The Only One With That Mark In The Class, Everyone Else Had Less Than Me. I'm Kind Of Amazed At Myself At How Well I'm Doing In My Classes So Far. My Biology Teacher Is Very Impressed With Me, Seeing As I Failed Her Chemistry Class Last Year...XD I Wasn't Feeling Well A Lot Last Year, So That Really Hurt My Chances Of Passing My Classes, Although I Passed 3/4 Of Them Last Semester, So Thats Good I Guess...Hehe Now I'm Just Chillin' At The Library, And Getting My Chillaxin' On, And Maybe My Hyphy Too...Getting All These Awesome Songs, Gonna Have A Mini Party At My Place For 1 Person, Me