Sparky...? Where are you? Come back! Please?
Sparky, where are you?!
I think the cold weather is helping out my cold. Strange, isn't it? But the heat makes me want to cough somehow.
I much prefer the heat too sometimes... Not when it's too hot and humid though =P
Wow, that is cold! I can't stand the cold weather. I much prefer the heat.
Coldest here was -45C, I believe.... They canceled school for that one XD
I think that's the coldest in the world. I wonder why there's no dry ice in Antarctica. What's the coldest it's been in your province? We had -20 degrees F here, and I was actually outside waiting for the bus.
Isn't Antartica frozen to all year... All I know that in Nunavut it hits -90C sometimes and sometimes colder then that
It snows year round in the Territories? Imagine how Antarctica must be...
Must be freezing in Alaska XD... I mean it's up by the Territories and theres snow all year round there
Neh, there are some states that are even bigger. Like Texas and Alaska.
Holy 60 times bigger??.. That's one big state you live in =P
I wonder how crowded the streets are in Delaware... I mean, my state has got to be 60 times bigger than Delaware!
They probably would be, that states has so many people...
Yeah, I love it here. It's really comfortable, and thank goodness I have a decent sized state. The small ones are so cramped.