Lolz. No it's a bird. That is good for you! Although I never sleep. Just royally pissed off because I missed the FedEx dude with my clothing because he came so damn early! So now I have wait untill tomorrow to go get my stuff. ARGG this pisses me off!
The sky? Nah, I'm kidding. Not much. Caught up on so much sleep, and now... I'm bored. How about you?
[Laughs] Now that we got the rawring thng established. What be up?
Haha, ok lolz! RAWR!
Because rawring is fun at people! Rawr! [Laughs]
Oh right lolz! Why rawr at me? I scared lolz.
Rawr = Roar only spelled different. Like I rawr at you!
Haha... whats rawr?
In your reply message to my one where I said rawr.
When did I say something about drawing lolz? Sorry, I'm a bit slow...
Well just wait and see. You said something about drawing! And I was rawring!
I know lolz! I have my fingers crossed that they forget... Who said you draw silly?
Coolness! That is awesome. If they don't remember free laptop! I said I ish rawring like a lion does. Not drawing silly.
Good news! I can see Photobucket pics again! I couldn't before because my laptop blocks everything - its my schools. I have to give it back soon, if they remember to ask for it back... Whats going on in my profile drawing?
Rawr! I ish in your profile rawring!