Conversation Between Dizz and Unknown Entity

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. What about writing?
    I'm writing a total of six books at once right now.
  2. Aw... come on! A good quality! Are you good at something? Drawing, cooking, helping...
  3. Heh, well the choice is yours.
    I'm a klutz, i'm always bored, I'm not a good secret keeper, pick and choose.
  4. Erm like...

    Ok, in my sig, everyone in my family has a little title that describes them. So, an example would be:

    "My Tyler Connelly loving sister, Unknown Entity"

    as I'm known in one or two people's sigs...
  5. What do you mean?
  6. Yay! Ok, what title do you want?
  7. Haha, sure!
  8. I hope all goes well then.

    Ok, do you wanna be in my TFF family? Maybe a sister?
  9. No, no, no.
    You're not forcing me. I think it's a really good idea.
  10. Hey no prob lol... But its up to you whether or not you do it. I hope you don't feel I'm gonna force you lol, cos I'm not...
  11. I'll try it.
    Thanks for your help.
  12. Maybe thats why lol. She IS younger than you, so will act younger than you. Maybe... you could help her grow up a bit?
  13. She'll be eleven in August. I'll be twelve on October fourth.
  14. How old is your friend?
  15. Well, typing roleplays. Just not like acting out.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 82
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