Conversation Between Polk and GypsyElder

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. You
  2. I miss Pilk already
  3. Why not wear a bra? they're awesome.
  4. Ohh okay good haha I thought so. I couldn't think of much to do with armor.

    It's good ^_^ I go home tomorrow night :3 yaay I can seduce you on msn again!
  5. Sorry for the late reply, I meant to do this sooner, but I let time slip away from me.

    And truth be told, I rarely ever make myself custom armor for just playing the game normally. I've played the game enough times to know what abilities I'll need for certain bosses and if/when they're available in game. It's sad, I know. If I do go out of my way to customize, I usually like putting auto-haste on armor, as it's easy to farm chocobo wings, and it's crazy useful. Preparing for arena bosses is a completely different story, but it's a long diatribe that would just bore you.

    Anyway, how was your trip?
  6. ohhhh, what abilities did you put on your character's armor? I didn't put anything besides break MP because I didn't think anything else was worth it. I have like 3 blank slots on everyone.
  7. Oh shit, I forgot you were leaving. Ah well, have fun, I'll try not to cut myself too bad while you're gone.

  8. oh yeah I'm leaving today. Not gonna be on for a while so just letting you know that way you don't miss me too much and kill yourself before I get back.

    then I kill myself when I get back when I realize you killed yourself.

    It saves us both trouble :3
  9. Sober girls around me they be actin' like they drunk.

    Actin' actin' like they drunk.
  10. I didn't even know testicular cancer existed until this. I want ONE! lol

    Join the fight with me Polk.
  11. Ah, I didn't know it was a testicular cancer thing.

    Unless this is just your elaborate way of saying I'm a **** or something, in which case, touche.
  12. I know what you want for Christmas ^^

    I Heart Balls Bracelets — I Heart Balls Bracelet
  13. Well okay then.

    Should I even bother asking?
  14. You know, you're right. I encounter that type of prejudice in my everyday life. I can't help that I have impressive length.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 86
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