Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Clint

88 Visitor Messages

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  1. Conversations held in private are no fun. They would just keep going on and on, until it just kind of fizzles. At least if a discussion is suddenly stopped by a moderator, I have somebody to complain to.
  2. I find the best conversations to be the ones held in private. I can't meddle with those either.
  3. Why do moderators always seem so pretentious? You people always ruin the best discussions.
  4. Why would there be things that are awesome in hell? Hell only has things that are lame, like fire, tortured souls, freezing temperatures, and gigantic demons.
  5. I can imagine that being more like hell.
  6. I imagine heaven being more like a Las Vegas casino. Gambling, booze, hookers, and incredibly cheesy magic shows.
  7. I can imagine sitting around in a deck chair with God pouring me out glass after glass of ice cold shandy to get boring really quickly.
  8. How does hell sound more fun then heaven? Have you never read the Divine Comedy? Dante Alighieri took a walk through hell and wrote about it in epic poem form in the 14th Century AD. And I mean, sure, the 1300's were the dark ages, so obviously hell would have improved since then, but I'm sure it's still not a very pleasant place today.
  9. Hell sounds more fun than heaven.
  10. Goddamn it! Are you incapable of apologizing when you and I both know that you're wrong and need to apologize to redeem your soul so that you can get into heaven when you die? Do you want to go to hell?
  11. That's funny because you assume I'll apologise again.
  12. I do not appreciate being patronized and besmirched. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I may be able to convince myself that you really didn't mean it.
  13. Haha, that's so funny because you think it'll happen.
  14. What about if I just shoot your hands off? You won't be able to shoot me, and the recipe for your weapon will be safe, since you'll be alive.
  15. Quite possibly. And if you shoot my head off with that lovely gun you have there, the secret to this wonderful recipe dies with me.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 88
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