Haha and once you're riding around, the fact that you fixed it up yourself will up your street cred by I don't even know how much.
Got some serious tweaking to do to it. Thinking I will have to use my dads machine shop to get the desired end result. The front view before I ripped the parts off was UGLY though. Looking more like a classic chopper now that all the crap is off of there.
It looks badASS. That's real cool that you're fixing one up.
just uploaded a better pic that shows the progress I made today.
Hell yeah we will. I got a pic of it up on my facebook mobile uploads. The pic makes it look 100 times worse then it actually is. The sun makes it look horrendous. I have it already about stripped down to take it to the power washer and give her a bath. Hoping the engine isn't jacked up. Last time she was tagged was back in 96.
I want one so bad. One day, we will go to a bike rally together.
I just picked it up. It needs a lot of TLC and elbow grease. Hoping by spring she will be running pristine.
I didn't know you had a bike!
Hey I think this thread has some ID potential: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/ge...5-worldly.html thoughts?
Thanks Ally, it means a lot right now.
I'm really sorry to read about your friend. It's true that you had the option of talking to him last night, but it's also true that you could never have known that something like this would happen. So I hope that you forgive yourself. You are in my thoughts.
Heh. Always have been and always will be, just takes me longer then expectd sometimes now adays hahaha.
Haha! You're a man of your word!
We're both pretty good staffers. Thanks, Meier. Really nice of you to say.
Honestly I was thinking about just handing my award off to you, I think you deserve it more then I do. The only thing that stopped me from doing it was I felt like it might be a slap in the face to everyone that voted for me. That was one hella close compitition. IMO you are the better staffer haha.