Conversation Between Meier Link and Victoria

142 Visitor Messages

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  1. Funny how you say that, but you don't name any names. You can't really confirm something through someone else also. So I don't count that as "confirmed."

    And if I'm the second one, I am not abusing anything at all. The warning I gave Rocky was backed up by Andro, because I asked him if I should beforehand. So take it up with Andro if you don't like it.

    There is some evidence to disprove some of what you are saying.
  3. Due to the events of last year is why I went off. I would of done the same thing if it was happening at anyone. Also last year I did do something. I inaugurated Gemma as a member of CPC8 also posted in the CPC8 house that if that was what they were doing it needed to stop.

    Once again you are making bold accusations.

    What is in my signature is actually directed at two particular staff members that are abusing their position. I thought something was up and one of the two manned up and admitted it. The second one was confirmed through another member via PM.

    Once again you should get your facts straight before making such bold accusations.
  4. Pfft. =P Sure it doesn't.
    I can smell it a mile away. Don't deny it. XD

    Also the 'evidence'. I'm pretty sure the 'evidence' was just Pete. >>;
    And the way you acted when people ganged up on Pete. xD
    If that's not bias, I don't know what is. Cause when CPC8 was doing that stuff to Gemma last year, you didn't say crap. XD
  5. Ummm that has nothing to do with CPC8, good try though. You might want to find a little more solid evidence before making such a bold accusation.
  6. *points to sig about poop* D:
  7. what are you talking about?
  8. See? I told you you were biased. But noooooo. Always in denial. =( Such a shame.
  9. ...How is it ironic?

    It just shows he doesn't actually care about RPing, then.
  10. I gave Alther the option to partake in the RP discussion going on in Gen chat seeing his little troupe is active in SGs but he is content staying in the shadows of the SG's secrecy.

    Its kind of funny and ironic at the same time.
  11. Agreed. I just don't see a whole lot of point in the spam games. In all actuality they aren't even games or humor related. Hence why I am wanting it to be switched solely over to a "forum games" based forum. We kind of have a double standard set up saying it is against the rules to spam but then turn around and allow it in a certain area of the forum. Even if it is "spammish".
  12. I suppose, and even if there's going to be a sole forum for spam and word games, I don't think Gen Chat's activity is going to hurt that much. It's just going to stay the same, except we'll be able to see the actual last time someone posted there, rather than the illusion of word games.
  13. Actually option 3 was for a spam haven wasn't it, this wouldn't be a place to spam.
  14. Yeah, I'm with Loaf.

    Also, about your proposal thing...

    We were going to do that anyways.. 0_0
    We're just waiting for VB4... your proposal is basically a repeat of Merlin's Option 3, with the addition of pruning the forum clean and starting over.
  15. Ooh, okay. Cool.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 142
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