Conversation Between Meier Link and Rocky

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  1. Duder, just saw the user note. Got a whim to check them haha, haven't in a really long time. For some reason it is weird to see you use your real name.

    Couldn't picture you as anything other then "Rocky".
  2. Gwahahhahaha I didnt even think twice about it I just noticed you made it to the 2000 marker.

    I do agree the old rep system was better.
  3. lolol! I don't know if I should be insulted that you're disproving my point in the very thread that I made or that I should just take it as is, haha.

    But ty!
  4. if the CD was ever to be revived I would be down for another run through it lol
  5. Yeah, thats kinda my bad there lol

    I was actually in the process of interviewing RagnaToad, but it took us over 3 hours just to get about halfway through the questions and stuff, and that was the only time I've been able to get ahold of him on MSN. We were just talking and got off track at about every turn, plus he's such an interesting character that I got inquisitive whenever he had something to say.

    I will send him a PM trying to get the rest of the questions answered sometime soon, and then we can get a move on, as its already halfway through january, huzzah
  6. Broke 2000 last night gwahahaha, your falling behind son!
  7. Hey, are we going to start back up the member of the month thing any time soon? Or are you still interested in doing it?

    If not I would be glad to take it off your hands or help you out with it, which ever works best.

    I was about to take down the 09 stuff and get the 2010 stuff up.
  8. Well I felt like a damn broken record so I figured I would give it a shot. Apparently it wasn't my brightest decision as to date but I figured if the people where of the intelectual type they would of sorted it out by their selves and not needed me to step in.

    But I was proven wrong haha. I thought about going through and issueing warnings this morning but I would of had to hand out like 10 of the damn things and there are already to many people with those little red badges of shame haning on their signatures because of me haha.

    It's all good, no need to appologize.
  9. I appreciate you giving the religion thread a legitimate shot before stepping and and sorting it all out. I think that is something that a lot of mods here don't do, however I'm not too sure if it was a good approach for the ID forum necessarily. Anywho, sorry about causing a ruckus, much <3!
  10. I think that he fooled around with his boss' old lady was funnier then the pink eye thing. I can't stand Ronnie, his laugh is annoying as hell and he is so P-whipped right now. I thought he was going to be the wild and crazy one and instead he is a lame ass.
  11. yeah, The Situation is the only thing that makes the show interesting. Outside of it, all it consists of is just drinking drinking and more drinking, not that it's a terrible thing lol, but it makes for a boring show like you said. Vinny is pretty funny too, I rofled when I found out he got Pinkeye from dancing with some 45 year old big lady at a club
  12. Duder my wife has me watching Jersy Shore. Out side of the situation I can say it is pretty boring. Then again ol girl getting punched in the face was kinda worth the wait for a ****ed up as it was.
  13. so whoever thought that putting tinfoil around my laptop would give it enough juice to get my neighbor's wireless internets, rofl.

    my parents think the aliens are going to read my mind now.
  14. Aye, that would be a rough deal, but at least things are looking up for the little guy. He's gonna grow up and be one tough kid I bet, haha. And yeah, I bet Breyen will be cool with it eventually, may take a bit it but will be better for him to experience being a brother in the long run.

    As for me, I'll still be in town for thanksgiving, working and the like. I have the thanksgiving day off but I work all the other days, but it's just a couple of hours here and there, so nothing too bad. My friend's are back in town this week so after tomorrow after school and work, I'm getting hammered at the bar lol.
  15. Going good, wife is home. We are fighting the sadness of not having the youngest one here yet. We went and saw him earlier tonight; I loved every minute of it but it sucks because it was limited to less then an hour. Can't wait for the day we can bring him home. Breyen is transistioning alright but the real test is when Aaden comes home. Tomorrow he will be a week old. Crazy.

    How about you? How long will you be away for thanksgiving?
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