Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

987 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I am getting excited I love it
  2. As long as you're doing good things. Getting excited, man? X-mas is just around the corner.
  3. Busy with life dude and happy holidays to you
  4. DUUUUDE, where have you been since forever? Oh well, happy holidays to you!
  5. Hey man long time
  6. We have a new thread Ralz in the Blitzers of the universe
  7. Yo Ralz I just remembered you write the CoC story right?
  8. Heh I told you it would be ultimate noone beats me in the dirt for long
  9. Yes, the king is back.
  10. Ralz I will teach you the Blitz Ace
    *watches as Yuna and Rikku get off the airship*
  11. Drat I figured as much hmmmmm say lets continue
  12. You earned it. Not much happened while you were gone, though.
  13. Thanks man I needed a vacation
  14. Welcome back, king.
  15. Ralz I have returned home how ya been bro
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 987
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