Conversation Between Ralz and Insufficient Mage

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  1. Not if they can't catch me. ^^
    I bet. Still looks like a fun game.
    Well, I have one half of it.... and I don't know where the other half is. xD I always powerhoused in my games. If it don't got at least 1600 ATK or at least a good ability, I wouldn't include it. I remember cheaping some battles with Final Countdown. Damn that card is cheap. All you gotta do is stall. I never fulled understood Shadow's story. Mostly cause his game royally f'd it up, and now I don't know if he was created by Gerald, or by Black Doom.
    Is it one of those Crystal chronicles games? I keep seeing those and wanting to try them out, but never getting around to go and finding them.
    I don't think I've ever tried that before, but my mom has, and she says its good, but I wouldn't know. Speaking of ice cream, I've been having a hot fudge sundae like every night since last Friday. xD
    I got a new bike and a new office chair. I really needed one, so that was very nice.
  2. Wouldn't you be the one who had to pay for the window? ^ ^
    Yeah that's all it was. It was more entertaining than it sounds, but I suppose its good that it was short or else it could have gotten really old. After all, running and jumping can only be entertaining for so long. =P
    Off'd how? xD I didn't have a huge amount of cards, but I think I still have them around somewhere. And I mostly picked my favorites on how they looked rather than how good they were. I used to really like Harpy's Brother. xD Yeah! I want the Shadow that yells, "MARIAAA!"
    That game is hard. x__x I mean, I'm not good at tower defense games to begin with but even on the easiest stage, I can only get as far as like, the 28th wave.
    Hey me too! I love just plain cheese pizza. Have you ever put milk in/on your ice cream? I can't eat my ice cream without it.
    That's what birthdays are all about. ^_^ Did you get any presents?
  3. Hey, half of them sit on the couch anyways, so there's a good chance it'll land right in their lap. Sure they'll have to pay for the window, but that's a small compensation.
    I heard about that game. It was all over X-Play for like a week. Seems to involve a lot of first person running and jumping, so I can't imagine it lasts long.
    I had two, but one got off'd, literally. I have god knows how many cards, and japanese versions of the three egyptian god cards. Slifer is still my favourite. <3 I would've been all right if they basically removed 90% of what makes the game, which includes the guns, the crappy characters, the crappy plot, and the crappy everything. In fact, no. Eliminate this game's existence. Eliminate this emo Shadow and give back the one on the Adventure games. He was far more tolerable. =)
    Well, if it comes with pepporoni, I'll eat that, but mostly simple stuff.
    Yay for me.
    And unhealthy and full of calories...
  4. And incur the wrath of the neighborhood? Would it be worth the money? xD
    Hmm... ICO was short too, but it actually took me a while to complete because apparently I'm terrible at basic puzzles. Oh, Mirror's Edge was short too... Really short.
    Haha, the good old days. I still have a duel disc in my closet somewhere... And yeah, Shadow the Hedgehog was one of the games we sold pretty quickly (got it for Christmas one year), not only was it not a good game but Shadow was just lame. He didn't need a freaking gun to be cool. Now he's just a poser. =P
    Oh, have you played Crystal Defenders yet?
    That's right, you're a simple guy, forgot. So do you like your pizza with just cheese?
    Good for you Ralz. Good for you.
    Yay, nice and fattening. <3
  5. I suppose... but I'd rather be awesome and throw them at people's windows.
    No idea. Been so long since I last heard about it.
    I can't believe I actually subjected myself to the entire five seasons of the first Yugioh. >.< Shadow was okay in the Gamecube games, but if you look at him on his PS2 game, it looks ridiculous.
    Well, I remember dying once to several bosses in FFV. But those were superbosses inconveniently placed as obstacles. You could avoid them, but I had to look at a guide to get around them.
    I do like milk, but normal milk, nothing especially tampered with.
    I will do that. I will.
    Chocolate cake with a creamy finish. <3
  6. Then instead of throwing them from a bike, walk up and down the streets and place them individually on everybody's doorstep? Might take a little longer and you'd have to get up earlier but... its a job? xD
    Oh yeah, was that one a launch title? I didn't realize it was really that short. o_O
    Dan Green lol. Every time I hear Knuckles now I think of Yami Yugi from YuGiOh. I never really got the fascination with Shadow. He's cool and all but he's treated like a God in Sonic fandom, at least from what I remember. I will admit though, I love his shoes! Seems like a fun way to get around.
    Nah, still can't afford XIII right now. xP Were any of the other game overs with normal fiends/enemies?
    Do you like milk at all? Have you ever tried strawberry milk? Now that is weird... I'm never even sure whether I like it or not, its just... weird!
    You do that Ralz. You do that.
    What kind of cake?? =D
  7. Then I'd have to get up at like six. And I have terrible aiming. xD
    I remembered. Heavenly Sword. Guess during the process of graphic whoring, they forgot to put a game in there. Lol, NOOBS.
    Plenty. Even Team Rose had a few cheapies here and there. But, you get past all the BS only to discover... you completely wasted about 30 hours of your life for no good reason.
    Yeah, then he got his 4Kids voice actor and began to suck. I suppose he's still all right. Certainly better than certain emos. (I'm looking at YOUUUU, Shadow.) The rap was pretty interesting, but half the time, I didn't hear it. xD
    You played FFXIII, yet? That game is the threshold of game overs. I must've faced at least 20. (90% of them go to the final boss.)
    Hmm, I could never get into that. Its just milk with a taste of chocolate, but eh.
    I'll look for it, then.
    CAKE. WAS. DELICIOUS. *faints*
  8. Do a paper boy route! =D
    What game was it? o_o I'd like to see you stretch that one out to last a week. xD
    I think I remember that! That game had some annoying instances didn't it?
    Ah, you were a Knuckles fan too? He's been my favorite since Sonic and Knuckles! He did become pretty useless, but he's still my favorite character-wise. Besides, who doesn't enjoy the brilliant rap music on his stages? xD
    I think I went through one of my FFIX playthroughs with no game overs once, if I remember right, but other than a few enemies that game isn't very difficult.
    Water is as simple as it gets, no? xD I actually don't like juice much. My favorite drink is chocolate milk.
    Okay, add that one to your list then. One of the best games I've ever played!
    Did you have cake Ralz? WAS IT GOOD?
  9. Not sure. Everywhere I go, no one's hiring. I really don't want to have to search too far from where I live.
    I remember hearing about this one game, for the PS3, about 3 hours in length. xD
    Yeah, that one. I don't even know what they were. The most annoying part was in Team Dark, you eventually wind up in this reality/dimension warp, and you have to visit four rooms or something and do stuff, then you can proceed. And there are very shallow ledges inbetween each room! xO
    Hard to say, they're all fairly crappy. xD I guess I'd go with Tails. He goes through the least crap, and gets to fly. Kid's got problems, but he makes everything better with the push of a button. xD (I used to like Knuckles, until he became useless. )
    Came close once, though. I think it was against Golbez, or maybe one of the Archfiend battles.
    I like simple things, but water is way too simple! xD I think I like anything fruity. Taste is important.
  10. ALSO!

    Happy Birthday RALZ!

  11. I once went to a barbecue in the rain. xD It was in Japan no less. Do you have any places nearby that get especially busy during the summer? The amusement park I mentioned before hires a LOT of people around that time for obvious reasons. Got any places like that around?
    What about a reeeeaaaaally short game? Like, uh. Zone of the Enders? I hear the game is really short (beatable in around 4 hours) but I haven't even beaten it yet, and I've had it for years... I forgot what to do I think.
    Was it the Halloween-ish castle that turns upside-down and stuff? I think that place had the most annoying part with the rails, they were kinda like spider-webs, weren't they?
    You happened to be talking about it with BiBi too? That's... really weird. xD So on a related note, who is your favorite Sonic character?
    That's pretty impressive for any game, let alone IV. No game overs, I mean.
    What's your most favorite drink in the entire world?
    Okay! Have you played Valkyria Chronicles?
  12. I like to sleep when it rains, as well. Hmm... I see my schedule and I think classes don't start again until Fall, so I could try for a job.
    Sounds interesting. But not only RPGs, I usually take a week to beat just one game. xD
    I don't know what the level was called, but there was this castle level, and you can drop down into a pit with like 30+ of those flying enemies. I used the ultimate attack, and got like 999 Rings in an instant. xD I used Speed just to get up to him, but then I used Power, like you. The enemies weren't too annoying. In fact, I mostly ignored them. I have no idea, and I was bringing this up with Kyle not to long ago! xD
    No, they were just difficult. I always managed to have Rosa heal us up, or I'd have a few Potions, ready. (That, and I power-leveled at lot.) But, I never fought the secret bosses before.
    Tea's a simple beverage, and I like simple things. But I'd probably just take it as is.
  13. Rain is a good excuse to stay inside and game... Especially if there's a thunder storm! And yeah, its hard to juggle school and a job, and actually do well at both at the same time. Ever thought of getting a summer job? Unless you're taking classes in summer too... That'd be overkill.
    Pretty much! Apparently you can also "rent" any of the Used games in the store too if you're an employee, though only for a few days. So that wouldn't be all that useful if you were wanting to borrow an RPG.
    Team Chaotix had the coolest looking ultimate attack though, easily. =P I remember in the beginning, having trouble even getting to Egg Emperor in the first place, though I think I ended up pretty much ONLY using Fly, and then when I got to him, just Power. I think. How did we start reminiscing about Sonic Heroes of all games? xD
    Did you get a Game Over for those bosses even?
    Do you prefer tea then? With or without cream?
    That would be quite a long list. I'd be happy to add on to it for you! =]
  14. I've been quite lazy as of late. It also doesn't help that its been raining too much, and homework at school is becoming annoying. I can imagine that. Just put on a shirt, and act nice.
    I swear their ultimate attack or whatever is the most cheap thing ever. If you get like 20 enemies on screen, you get all kinds of crap. Egg Emperor wasn't that difficult, but the main trick was actually damaging him, which sort of varied for everyone. The final boss isn't very difficult, all you gotta do is use Speed or Fly to attack. Maybe even Power, you never know. The second part to the fight is fun, but you can die by running out of coins. (During the beginning bits of it, you're constantly supplied with them, but eventually they come every 30 seconds or so, and eventually they don't come at all.) The ending is nothing spectacular, either, so you're really not missing much.
    One is. You have to approach it a certain way, or eat some destruction.
    I'm not much for coffee, but it was a pretty tasty thing.
    Yes. xD
  15. Have you applied there? Seems like the type of job you'd be knowledgeable at. Though you don't have to really know anything about games to work there apparently.
    Yeah their levels were more than just "complete this stage", which was annoying sometimes. xD But I didn't realize they were harder. Mayhaps that was why I wasn't doing so great. xD I probably won't go back and play that game again anytime soon though, if ever. And yeah you're right, it was Egg Emperor! I just remembered a huge metal thing so I figured Metal Sonic.
    Are they the hardest bosses in the game? Sounds like fun.
    Did you like it? I love coffee-flavored things. And coffee in general!
    Games-Ralz-Has-To-Buy-When-He-Gets-A-Job-List... =D
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