Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. The forums derped again, so if you get two PMs, that's why.
  2. So, did what i could, if you're not happy with it, you'll have to take over for this matter, i've busted up everything i know about.
  3. So, im currently going through some more Music Checks, and seeing what i can find, including the Main Theme for the game, as well as Alther's theme, but expect to find some other themes included within this new Archive im preparing.
  4. Moar stuff sent away, Words gallore!
  5. Well, sent you some PMs, regarding the other PMs you gave me, you should probably fancy alittle reading time.
  6. Elyon already had a somewhat aloof personality, just a bit more interactive than Alther was. I also had the idea that because Elyon and Dimitri fused, they sorta borrowed a bit of each other's personalities.

    Sounds coolio.

    I've already begun on the story, and I'm beginning with a legend of sorts. How you should interpret what symbols I use or what actions I give. It's all detailed there, but I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something...

    Yep. RPGs have a certain knack for off-the-wall storylines.

    I guess it is. Can't go running off, now.

    Nopp. And even if I did, I don't have a microphone. Hope it works out!
  7. Are you still around? I haven't heard anything from you that lately.
  8. Yeah, i figured Elyon would become so gathered among all energy in the Nexus, that he doesnt have a choise, but to absorb some of it, in order to survive, which in that place, kind of removes Elyon's cherry personality, and makes him the more serious kind of guy, in fact, he gets more aloof of himself, kind of becoming more like how Alther in the beginning was, though not as much, Elyon just doesnt want to hurt his friends, or those he cares about, because... most of the time, in the first story arc, people got hurt, because of him, not EXACTLY because of him, but since they wanted Elyon from the beginning, you get the idea.

    I see, i had an idea it was that.

    Talking about Sprites, Alther and me, are just right now, as im posting this, going to remodel your character Sprites, i hope you'll like the new designs for it as well, and when its finished, i'll send the sprites, for the initial 4 party, over to you, so you can check, and comment, what you personally think about them.

    Me neither, but i'll see, who i can find around.

    Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable idea.

    But, that's why we like it right? A totally crazy story, about just everything a RPG should have, yet, we put it out, in our own way of style, towards it.

    Indeed we must, but we're actually doing some good progress now, after all that time... Now is the time to act.

    P.S: Yeessss, today is my lucky day, we've got a Artist on our side now, you should meet with him as well! ^^ Do you have Skype?
  9. I suppose that could be a good idea, learning from the darkness of the Nexus and Dimitri's own element. I've also been thinking about how the other characters might change. One thing to change for sure is for Krysta to drop the ice spells. She's just not made for magic, she's supposed to be a physical brute.

    It's my favorite FF, actually. In time, I'm sure.

    That could be a good base for his sequel design. (Even has a scarf.) I don't know what you plan for this game, but I'll leave it to you. You should use it if you like it.

    I don't really know any artists, nor how to find one.

    I can write the story, and maybe we could name it if we figure out what the meaning is?

    Actually, I was referring to the fact that the story is so crazy. You've got gods and destiny, rebellions and empires, cryostasis, past and future revelations, a revenge scheme for Alther, memory loss for Nova, heir to the throne, Laevateinn, jerkass-turned-good guy, Dimitri... And then the whole possession thing in the final stretch.

    We must fight on.
  10. I see, so not decided, if Elyon should be trapped in the Nexus for 3 years? I think it'd be good relevance, because Elyon receives new powers, from the Nexus, not willingly i admit, but new abilities, Elyon was adept at Light Runes before, and after his incident with the final battle, plus the effects of the Nexus, he should maybe learn a trait towards Dark and Thunder Runes as well, Thunder, for the case that Dimitri is with him this time, but Dark, because thats what the Nexus mostly is filled of, or do you rather think Gravity Runes, are more appropriate?

    Oh, played FFX have you? Yeah, that Sin Battle in the air was badass, but still, it could be difficult, to actually simulate a battle like that, since we need... huge graphics still, but we can think of that, some other time.

    In fact, im not sure in how i want to redesign Elyon, he's still having that traditional trenchcoat, but i figured, he'd go for more of an "Arc" design for the Sequel actually (Name has a Press-able Link BTW), but for the first game, i can't see myself doing something really special, he's got that simple look, which i like, if i should go nitpicking about stuff, i'd like to implement certain details, but im figuring i shouldn't mess with the design... But i do remember, that Meigumi, actually did a really cool design for Elyon, its maybe still there in her Albums, but techniquely, he had a sleeveless trenchcoat, and followed a White, Pink and Grey theme, it looked really sweet as well.

    Sadly, we're definitely going to need a Portrait rewamp, and Alther, to my knowledge, only knows how to Sprite, we'd need an actual Artist, but im going to ask him, if he knows someone, but still, if you can try find one yourself, that'd be appreciated, for the Animations, not sure if we're going to have a Animated Battle System still, they're making a VX Ace version of the Tankentai System, i used before on the earlier Demos, but its not out yet, i'll see if i can find something simplier in the meanwhile.

    Me neither, i don't have a clear idea, what kind of Title we should settle with... And i guess we figure out the title, once we figure out the Theme, but it's you who makes the Story, so you should know about this, better than i do.

    Chaotic? Yes, that's what started everything, didn't it? The Citizens of Chaosthroph, was the original Title of the group, and thats what is taken over, by Alther, as probably is going to be the Manga Name, so we need to figure out something with relevance to Alther's Manga as well, but his Manga, does take place in a alternate dimension, from our Game.

    We're just have to keep tinkering i suppose...
  11. Yeah.

    Transcience is actually related to sins and memories, at least it was when I was looking for it. (I was having one of those days.) Google defines it as "passing and ephemeral." When Nihildeunum was sealed away, he sort've couldn't act anymore. He still has a physical form, but he can't access it at the moment. That's why he needs a vessel, an "ark" of sorts to bring about his ressurection. I haven't decided yet if Elyon experiences three long years, or if he is somehow teleported into the future. It's possible they don't notice the finer differences between the two. As you said, 3 years can be a while to forget some of those details. Besides, they'll likely be too surprised that Elyon is back, in the flesh, to notice.

    I'm also thinking of how the Nihildeunum battle will go. (It's inevitable, anyway.) And I imagine a giant of sorts. The party has to split up to take on its individual parts. I can see one group facing a giant claw that acts very Master Hand-ish.

    How is Elyon's redesign going? Just curious.

    I think they're still fine. As long as they match the portraits and have sufficient animations. (Which reminds me, are we keeping Meigumi's portraits, or changing them? Even if we do keep them, there's still a lot of characters who need them.)

    Yeah, I was thinking about this. I can't really start a story without a title. It's the basis of the entire thing. It could be the running theme of the game, or maybe it's an item of importance. I don't really want to change the name Chaosthroph. The story has you visit Chaosthroph late in the game, but it's not the driving force of the plot. You learn about it late, and by the time you leave, it's no longer important. To be honest, I'm really not sure what the main theme of the game is. It's so... chaotic. (x_X)

    Yeah, I'm facing a lot these days. (The weather finally started to get cold. Not to mention as much as I think I'm ready, I'm dreading the story.)
  12. Right, it's what i thought it was then, no problemo, we can go with this, just lemme know if there's anything i can be of assistance.

    Oh, i see, i guess that makes sense, techniquely, he is the Unknown of the first game, though incompleted, in the second arc, he becomes more completed, yet still NOT fully powered, if i take a guess... And i did think he was an experiment made by scientists because... "Transcience", well, kinda would have made sense, i see... so Nihildeunum's back up, now back up as in a back up vessel? Or back up, if Nihildeunum himself got destroyed? Im guessing the latter, and well... Elyon was trapped inside the Nexus for a few years, got to this new planet, it would make good sense, if Transcience, decieved the party, despite him having Dark Grey hair, because, the party wouldn't probably fully recognize him anyway, lots can happen in 2-3 years.

    I've already thought this up now, its takes a similar turn, to what happens in Alther's Manga Story, he's prepared to base on, in appearances that is, but can't say, im disappointed at the looks, Elyon really does get... destroyed, demonic, corrupted, you get the gig, and i suppose Nihildeunum, should look like that form im thinking of, though yet even more devilish, i figured a Light/Dark Theme for Nihildeunum, or we could just go straight up messed up catastrophic, but i guess that would lack "finesse" for someone like Nihildeunum...

    Well, Alther has fixed Meigumi's Sprites now, the final Alther sprite, Meigumi made, well, we and Alther, made him have paler skin on that, and Alther, made a recolor on the Meigumi Sprites itself, and i fixed alittle positioning problem, but everything well ended well, im really satisfied with the results he made, after a few attempts, but it does look way better now.

    Regardless... We're going to need, and fix the Face Graphics as well, and... well... Alther has seen Meigumi at a different site, he suggested i could hire her again, though i doubt she would want that, plus, she did leave for a reason, and im respecting that choise she made, because we're all human beings (deep down in our demon bodies i guess), i guess, but anyways, i still remain lazy, but atleast Alther has finished 2 out of 2 initial Party Members, "aka", Elyon, Ralz, Meigumi and Alther... now he's got Ralz and Elyon left to fix, and... even so, Ralz and Elyon, might not even NEED a update at all, because their designs have remained solid.

    Yeah, Laevateinn with Blue Eyes, pretty much would stature him, as a prime human example, talking about humans and stuff, we still need to tinker up a Game Title actually, so these we got so far...

    Aesiel (Earth) = Human World, where everything starts(?), and end of the game goes.
    Chaosthroph = Demon World, destroyed ever since the beginning, few towns remains, lava and ash theme.
    Orderos = Angel World, currently in fruition and ice cold tundra.

    Game Title? I have no idea, whatsoever which we should settle with, a game is not a game, without a form of Title, so it ought to be time, to think of something official right now, Alther's MUGEN project is going well, and he's got some companions himself he's recieving support from as well, did ask him, if anyone among them, had a experience with Sprites, but its mostly in MUGEN format for that, maybe someone is good at Art, i don't know, but i'll definitely keep in touch whenever i get the chance.

    Glad you answered, it was like 5 days ago you where Online, figured you were sick, or had alot of shit to do, but glad to see your still active.
  13. You misunderstand. When I say I'm going to provide options... I'm talking about you. I don't really have what it takes to make a split-path storyline. Far too complex for one person to take on.


    Oh, Transcience isn't some project or anything. He's... an extension of Nihildeunum... sort of. You fight him as the Unknown at the end of the first game. He's not really an opposite of Elyon as a result, but more like an opposite of everybody everywhere. And though he might not be able to perfectly emulate someone else, he does have access to many of their abilities. As for how he came to be... I have several thoughts, the main being that during Elyon's sacrifice/imprisonment, Nihildeunum creates a "back-up" in case things go wrong. Transcience chooses Elyon as his default appearance, because its the first face it wore. That being said, it uses other people to deceive and destroy. I don't want there to be too much of a difference between a Transcience look-a-like and the actual character, though I'm sure it will be obvious to anyone with functioning eyeballs.

    I haven't delved into it too much, but Elyon doesn't receive too much of a change. He looks more... I dunno, destroyed. As if he's being corrupted. It's hard to describe, actually. I have multiple images of what Nihildeunum really looks like... but we have plenty of time, so no rush, I guess. I guess Lavender can work... Though I'll need to start imagining that.

    What am I thinking? Huh? I know eyes need lighting and shadow to look more realistic... but it still comes down to a single color you base it all around. You don't have to use matching colors, if you really don't want to.

    Ralz is hazel/yellowish-brown, actually. Oh yes, Meigumi's split eye colors. I see Laevateinn will sky blue eyes.
  14. Yeah, i did mean the story.

    I see, so you techniquely shapes how the story will progress? If so, its going to be alot of Switch Eventing for me, making it strict and straightforward however makes it easier for me, just saying, so don't make it too much, should you follow this route, and i'll be glad to help you out, just call out on me, whenever you need help... Or did you mean, that you make a Story segment, tell me what it is, and give me a choise in where it should continue, like you did before? I think you meant like this, but sure... I'll help you out.

    Yeah, in the Demo, she's actually Silver, like Elyon, and i took a old peek inside the group, and saw this old drawing Meigumi did, and she had Light Green hair in it, i'd figured i'd ask Alther to recolor the Sprite to match with that picture inside the group, in fact, i'll start with thinking up eye colors as well, you'll find them more downwards this post.

    Yes, he does have Maroon colored hair in the First Game as well, and i thought Transcience, as a failed Experiment, that he is not perfect, he's not an entire copy of Elyon, they share similarities, but the original Elyon is impossible to copy, not only because of the powers the original Elyon bestows, but also because of the effects of the Nexus created on Elyon, which those "scientists" thought they could copy, they probably tried even making a replicate of the powers Elyon has, in fact, it only became a "carbon copy" of Elyon's powers, because those are impossible to fully achieve, so Transcience, actually lacks some abilities Elyon has, i'd figure Transcience would fit with Dark Grey hair, because... it's close enough to Elyon's primary hair color, but like said, he's pretty much a failed experiment, which, got a will of it's own.

    Yeah, i've being thinking about how "Nihildeunum Elyon" would look like, i think i've got an image, but of course, he has his own form as well, but he needs Elyon, to fully unlock his abilities, and Elyon, being literally a power tank, is the perfect vessel, and so, he shaped the story, so that he could lead Elyon, right into his palms, and Lavender, why not? I actually thought of Purple, but it doesn't go that well with Nihildeunum Elyon's form, so figured i'd maybe try a classic Black & White Combo on this.

    ---First Game Eye Color(?)---
    Elyon - Dark Red
    Ralz - Dark Green
    Meigumi - Light Red + Light Blue
    Alther - Dark Purple
    Nova - Red
    Laevateinn - Brown(?)/Turquoise(?)
    Krysta - Dark Purple(?)
    Dimitri - Yellow
    Shira (Form) - Yellow(?)
    ---Sequel Game Eye Color(?)---
    Faye - Plum(?)
    Brand - Marsh Green(?)
    Zuko - Dark Red(?)
    Transcience - Dark Red(?)/Light Grey
    Nilhildeunum (Form) - Lavender(?)

    Can't say im sure of the choises, but what are you thinking? Seriously, eye colors, are more complex that they sound.

    *(?) - Means, i haven't decided fully, or that i am not sure of, whenever i will settle with that color.
  15. Oh, you mean the story.

    I think I'm going to go with my original idea of starting... then giving you choices of how it should progress. I'm not that confident in my writing ability, so I'll just give some brief ideas, then reach a point where I let you help me out. Don't be surprised if this happens often.

    Meigumi is light green? I thought she was... blonde... grey... whatever hair color Vaan had? Have you thought about their eye colors, too? Maybe we could go with matching hair and eye colors. I think Dimitri doesn't get possessed this time (more like Shira/Nihildeunum drains his power and leaves him for dead.) But you can use the white hair for Dimitri Remnant.

    So, Zuko has maroon colored hair in this game, too, right? Grey is pretty good for Transcience, and good for tricking the other characters into thinking he's Elyon. (I did plan that he was just Elyon's appearance, but grey, blank eyes. He would have those same eyes whenever he took on the appearance of someone else.) Nihildeunum probably does have a physical form, but you don't see it until the sequel. I'm not sure what he looks like, but he should have an appearance fitting of a fallen god. Lavender is kinda... um...

    You're certainly not alone.
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