Conversation Between Lady Rika and Rocky

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you! That means a lot that you enjoyed reading it. Um, I was kinda out of ideas at the moment, so I posted mostly for the sake of posting without trying to advance anything, lol. I can roll with anything you decide to post, so go with whatever your imagination is telling you to do.
  2. *sigh* I joined the FF Cult and am Yuna...but I liked the Ball Post you did! Is there anything you want me to write in particular? Something to happen maybe?
  3. So whats with all the random FF avatars I continue to see everywhere? I see you have one as does Xeim.
    Oh and I posted in the Quistis ball rp thingy so I feel acomplished! XD
  4. O Hai thur miss ball date! wavewave
  5. Random visitor message!
    Sup, ^^ *skitters away*
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 35 of 35
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