Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Unknown Entity

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. How do you do that text box thing in your sig? I wanna hide some text and stuff cos there is too much lolz...
  2. Okidokie! Thankies for that lolz!

    I think I'll keep it as Knightess for a little longer though because of the Batman and stuff...
  3. Tee hee. Not as far as I know. I think it's a term that people made up to match Knight - I don't think too many people would make the connection with Lady/Dame being equivalent to Knight/Sir. =P And yeah.. I was pretty obsessed with heraldry and ranking and all a couple of years ago. Guess it was bound to come in handy eventually. Heh.

    Yeah, it's Lady. You could probably get away with Knightess if you wanted to keep the Batman connection since it's become common usage, even if it isn't technically correct. So either way - it's just technically Lady. ^^
  4. O_O

    Wow, you know your stuff lolz! So women can't be a Knightess? Ha, scew those cartoons I watched when I was a kid!

    So its Lady?
  5. Lady. The feminine of a knight is a lady - or rather, the female equivalent of knight was a lady; women weren't allowed to take up arms. Ladies were either nobles by birth, nobles by marriage or the wives of knights (or baronets (which DID have a female equivalent in their own right; the baronetess ), but let's not go into that here as it's not really on topic - baronet/esses are ranked between knights and barons so they're cooler and stuff).

    But when they're knighted (or whatever they do to females now.. ladified? Haha, no, let's just go with knighted.) nowadays, they become "Dame {insert name here}" as opposed to "Sir {insert name here}".

    Knight -> Sir Thing
    Lady -> Dame Thing

    So, um, yeah. Lady.
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