Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco

148 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aww. I don't watch. =O I used to watch all the crime shows a while ago, but that was before my "computer time" was after dinner. Now compewtarr has priority over everything except new episodes of Bones and Heroes. xD

    I hate Telstra too.

    I got mai Learner's. =DD
  2. Man. I'm bored. Cold Cae was sad at the end. But epic. As always. =D

    I can't sleeeeeep. And I hate Telstra.
  3. I'm dedicated to making you look like a total idiot as well. =D Just... I cannot be bothered to be. I am lazy, man.
  4. Speak for yourself. Avril's your princess. =P

    I put effortz into mine. I am dedicated to making you look like a complete arse. =D But it's okay. You still think I'm awesome. =D
  5. Hey Lily. Katy rocks, eh? Actually, she doesn't. Obviously you think she does. BAD TASTE!!! *prepares to be assaulted*

    Man, my banner sucks. Oh well, that's what you get for a 5 minute job. =D I should've spammed grunge brushes or stains. Eh. I will if I can be bothered today. =D And then your banner will be prettifuller.

    I can't believe I just said that.
  6. Man I'm bored. I'm supposed to be cleaning, so I've taken refuge in my room. But I can't do anything noisy or Jenova will be alerted to my ninja hiding skills. Hence the VMing of anyone and everyone. Whee.
  7. Ahhhhhh. Makes sense to me now. =D

    u wil b so ppulr. lyk ttly omg u wil.
  8. Username is changed because, unlike last year, when people don't know who to vote for they are generally putting N/A. Now I can pretend that they are voting for me. I will look liek sew pawpyewlarr.

    People "pass"ed last year. I became Pass. =D
  9. And why is you changing your User Name? =O And why am I so bored?

    EDIT: And why am I not nominated for Best New Member? lyk omg i ttly h8 u now. go dy u stpd cow.

    Ahem. Not caring really. You think I'm intelligent? Lulz. I forgot your name yesterday when I was addressing your envelope. Momentary lapse in brainwaves. "What's her name again? I know it's not Lily..."

    Yesh. I am a moron.
  10. Poo to you for being out to dinner. Also, poo to you for STILL not being on MSN.

    I am jealous that you had garlic bread. I want garlic bread. But no. I had sweet and sour curry. It had green things in it.

    According to Cilla, smelling of fish is good. I don't know how Froggie meant smelling of penis. But she put a =D after it. So I'll hope it was good.

    *spasms of boredom*
  11. I was out to dinner. D= But I got Ferroro Rochers. =D And I'm bored now. Stupid you getting off.

    Fish and chips is win. Bad fish is fail. I had pasta and garlic bread. It was win.

    Hmm. Smelling like penis and fish is good? First I've heard of it. =P

  12. You need to get on MSN. I'm bored. D=

    Craven came on earlier. I called him Buttmunch. I was happy. Then I got off. Then I got bored.

    I had fish and chips. The fish was gross. I'm still bored.

    EDIT: Heyhey! Annnd, I've been told I smell of fish and of penis and they were both meant in a nice way, man. xD

    EDIT TWO: Well, I hope they were meant in a nice way.
  13. I do not smell! Only of deodorant, and that's a good smell! You are so lucky I ordered the poster before I saw that, or I'd not have bought you it.

    I lie. I'd have bought it anyway. I can't blame you for being clinically insane. There, there. Have some more Valium to calm your nerves. <insert sickly-sweet-smiling face here>
  14. Hello, Gary. I think I might give MSN a miss tonight. I've been on the computer since 8 this morning. Long story. One filled with love, war, DVDs and curses. It's epic, I must tell you it some time. When my sanity (Or lack, thereof) has returned. EPIC EPIC EPIC story, but I have gone insane - more so, if that's possible - as a result.

    I am currently trying to figure out how to get tracks on a cassette to be tracks on my computer, but it's not working. Cables and microphones fail. It's the cassette of the best ever Christmas Carols. They're all sung to this awesome (I mean that in the extremely impressive, inspiring way) pipe organ, and by all these altos and sopranos and tenors. IT'S EPIC. I will send you it if I ever get it on my computer. Off to grandmother's to use her recording studio, methinks. Well, it's nearly a recording studio. Anyway, off I go to recover. Might talk to you later tonight, might not.
  15. Poooo. Well, he does kind of die in DW. Much to our dismay.

    I want to see nowwww. Full on noob Lily? This I gotta see. =P

    Mah activation code came todayyy. If I ninjaed CS3 like a rebellious son, I could activate it. But if mother caught me with it, I'd DIEDIEDIE.
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