Happy Birthday!!! =]
I still have the e-mail you sent me with the snippet from the story you were writting. I found it the other day when going through everything. XD Still very good, even months after I first read it. Hows it going anyway? =)
I can't remember the last time I felt anything after reading something. The last I can remember a feeling was when I discovered my favourite character in Harry Potter died. I wanted to hunt down J.K.Rowling after that!
Oh right... Haha, was I supposed to feel as though an ice cube was going down my spine then?
What do you mean by mixed reactions?
That would be great! I haven't got anything at the moment, but I have a few ideas of what I'd like to write, so hopefully once I've jotted them down on paper, I'll have something soon! I just read what you sent me, and I liked it. Honestly, it made me feel as though an ice cube went down my spine!
Thank you! Could I be one of your beta readers when the time comes?
I'm interested in taking a look! Would you e-mail me a copy?
It takes years? Woah... Whats your short fiction about, and where could I find it?
Have you published a book? Would I be able to read it?