Conversation Between HUNK and Kilala

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ha, I just started KH2 on Proud mode and its really surprisingly tough...
    You're lucky if you have a copy of KH one. My friends and I had a copy but It was lost in the endless game trading stream of us all and is gone forever...all I have left is the case. I've beaten KH though, never beat sephiroth on the first though.
  2. I'm playing Kingdom Hearts at the moment hehe. I remember I saw my friend finish it and I foolishly watched the ending... so I've never actually completed myself... So I'm on that mission now x3
  3. O.o
    Surely you are at least planing on trying Dissidia! That is going to be the best of all Final Fantasys.
    Of cource I really have not found a square enix game I haven't liked. Brave Fencer Musashi, Bushido Blade, Final Fantasy, Zone of the Enders, and of cource I could not forget Kingdom Hearts...but I would never shut up about that. Ha ha ha.
  4. Oh me too ^^ All Final Fantasies are legend really...
    I haven't played the PSP version yet, but I'll certainly look out for it! My poor PSP... it's slung in a corner somewhere... I haven't tried any of the FF's on it yet =/
  5. Dont worry, rambling's good.

    As for me, I have loved all of the ones that I have played but my favorite is so far Final Fantasy Tactics war of the lions.(PSP Version) I also really liked XII, X, VIII. I liked VII but I think it may have gotten just a little to much credit. Although if they made another(Fingers crossed for remake) I would totally buy it.
  6. Oooh FFVIII is the fave for me... But maybe thats because it was my first and all... I also love X and VII... Oh heck, I"m going to go out on a limb and say I love them all! Still... VIII first ^_^ God I ramble...

    How about you? ^^
  7. Oh. Ha, No, you did not in any way offend me. Ugh, so board.

    Well since your on this forum im sure you play Final Fantasy, yes? Which is your favorite?
  8. Uhhmm well... a glomp is like a hug or huggle! ^_^
    *Hides* Sorry if it upset or confused you o.o!
  9. ...

    Glomp? Uh, can you explain?
  10. Thank you for the welcome! ^_^ *Glomp*
  11. Hey there, saw you were new and decided I would say "Welcome to the TFF!" Randomness abound!
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