sup man and nothing new what about you ever got a pm back from the other forum?
Oi Vey! Whats up Jack?
Your face is up! Na, Nothing really. Looking forward to working out tommorow at the wellness center.
sup man
sup man whats new havent been in school for like 3 days so havnt seen ya how you been
Ur FaCe WaZ HeRe!
lol ty i guess
Its weird you are like the only person to have full health on the TFF. Congrats, nerd.
Hey jack are you going to bring Tekken to school tommorow? I gota score to settle and the snowball fight got in the way.
sup man and sorry about the miss typed ur name.....i have been typing to fast
He is the MH god....dont anger him, lest you be smited. In Blood, Andrew J. Belaor
HEy Exxdeath should send you a message soon! He is the MH guy I told you about. Any way, to start posting all you should do I guess is go the the Members (comings and Goings) thread and start a thread explaining a little about your self and that will get you started.
ok sooo how do i move around this site like i told you on the phone i s#ck with forums
Now now no reason to get fiesty....besides try to be nicer, the mods are watching.