Conversation Between FF Ace Cid and Bleachfangirl

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Cid! You are a mean big brother-giving your little sister spam and all that. I wouldn't even think of spamming you back.....*SPAM*
  2. Bleachie! My little sister! I wanted to give you this! It's a gift, a visitor message that is in no way a spam to you. sike!
  3. Hah! Random retaliation spam-like message back at you!
  4. Hellos! Random spam-like message for you!
  5. Oh. >.> Mysterious disappearances piss parents off more than anything. Sorry about that though.

    I'm doing well enough. Lots of things are going on since it's the end of the year, and I'm barely keeping up. My promotion dance is tomorrow, and promotion is just next week. Excited for the second, kind of dreading the first.

    P.S.: Sorry for not sending you a message on your birthday. It passed by and I didn't realize until nearly two or three days later. >< I'm really sorry about that.
  6. Anyway, how are you? Do tell.
  7. Disappear all day without telling anyone where I was going when pops needed me to do something important for him.
  8. You lost them again? How'd it happen?
  9. I'm doing good, just lost my driving privileges again. You?
  10. Hey Ciddy. How have you been recently?
  11. Oh, it's okay. I was just joshing you. Anyway, how have you been besides the busyness.?
  12. Cid! Cid! Have you become one of those forum lurkers that only come on for RPs? That's kind of funny though...
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 42 of 42
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