Conversation Between Azuteor and Rocky

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha, I understand, though I'd be happy to read a post of yours should you decide to post again.

    and as for Cheerio, I'm not exactly sure what it means but I know sometimes people from the UK use it, so I wanted to try to sound like I was an established and well-cultured person, that is all.
  2. Thanks! Though, I don't think I'll be able respond to back in the thread. lol

    It isn't that I'm afraid to speak my mind, it's that the last two posts left me speechless.

    Cheerio? Does that mean "farewell" ?

    I say, "Let go of my lucky charms!"
  3. Haha, thanks man, just doing what I can to stimulate the young minds of the future

    But likewise, I understand where your points are coming from as well and thus I have to give you respect points for it. cheerio!
  4. Man, these intellectual discussions are tough!

    You've made excellent points and it's got me thinking, Rocky.
  5. honestly, I have no idea rofl. I just tried it out for a valid email address (since I was using my college's email address) and it worked, lol. I haven't actually accessed teh e-mail part in months, but it's still valid for some reason.
  6. It's fixed. xD How does your email address work with MSN?
  7. No problem man! You have some really good artwork and are very deserving of a nomination in there. Best of luck to you sir!
  8. Yo Rocky! Thanks for the vote for Best Traditional Artist!
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