Conversation Between Josh_R and RamesesII

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. whats going on man
  2. Hey man haven't seen you around lately, how you been?
  3. I have already done my military training. Right now I am training for my pro MMA fight
  4. Woot woot currently on holidays go back thursday haha, what you training for military?
  5. I haven't been doin to much. Training, sleeping, spending time with the gf. Same shit..
  6. Been real busy at work lately trying to catch up with a lot of stuff other than that just family time, been to tired lately to spend much time here haha what about your self?
  7. whats been goin on buddy
  8. Heard of it but no never watched it.
  9. You ever watch a anime called S-Cry-Ed. A friend of mine introduced it to me. It is pretty good....
  10. Lol yeah thats usually the way, Spirited away was on tv not long ago so I watched with nothing else on and it was amazing.
  11. I honestly can't remember how exactly I first watched watched it. I think it was one night a few years ago, I was up watching anime, and it came on. That might be how I first saw it, who know....
  12. Yeah I love FMA I used to walk past it in the video store and pick it up each time wondering whether I should get it or not, but back then I was into DBZ and the like but finally one day I went all out and bought it and after the first episode I just had to get them all
  13. A friend of mine introduced it to me when I was in high school. In return I intriduced him to fullmetal alchemist, its his favorite anime now...
  14. Thanks for the rep hahaa yeah I really liked black cat I had a friend of mine download it from the internet for me it was so good it was funny but serious as well.
  15. its a good show once it gets into it...By the way there is a rp you should get involved in. The only ones so far is me, H.U.N.K... If you are interested check out the rp OOC sub-forum and look for FF VIII second war..
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 48
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