Conversation Between Yoko and Taco-Calamitous

150 Visitor Messages

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  1. Shooooooow herrrrr! You must! It's like the cutest thing ever. ^_^.

    Smiles must be EVERYWHERE!
  2. KITTIES!! :3 Ty ma'am. I bet Julie likes this too.

    So like, I found this vid, and you WILL enjoy it!
  4. Heh heh <3 We'll see what we can do
  5. Get on that mister! I would love to see a legendary world explosion. That's what happens when so much concentrated awesomeness is on one area.

    Yeah yeah! Go see Julie again. I need some good love stories to read in blog form.
  6. Not anymore He was gonna be working, so Zargs decided to cancel the visit. And I wasn't gonna go without him, so...

    Sorry to hear that, lady It's been a bit of a rough week for me, but it's over. And I graduate soon; I can get out of this place. And see Julie again :3
  7. To be honest, I am down 2 friends on the life list. two in the matter of two weeks. Very sad.

    I hope things are okay in your end of the world. I heard you're visiting Cesar!
  8. It's all good :3 Hope things get less stressful for you. Oh life, indeed. Heh.
  9. I've been doing okay. Sorry for the late reply. I don't use the computer often anymore. I've also been stressed out of my mind. Oh life.
  10. Thank you ma'am :3 Things are going. I'm at home right now, so I'm happy. Spent all day at the Airport yesterday. I like my job, so that's good. How are you doing, lady?
  11. Sir! I must say those pics on FB look great. The blue suits you. XD. GO AIR FORCE! How are things so far?
  12. :3 That fox is an awesome fox. That is why he is my avy. As for Dodie and S, I know Dodie has logged in because I told her I posted. I dunno about S though; haven't talked to him since I got out of Basic. I should send him a message.

    Good luck on your test! And with the ups and downs.
  13. I've been okay. I've been going through some ups and downs, but nothing too drastic. Its just life.

    Youu know what makes me happy? Seeing that happy fox again. I wonder if Dodie will start posting more now that you're back. And S too. I miss the crew.

    Yay for passing things. I have my life insurance test tomorrow. 140 questions on trickery brought on by the government. I hope I pass.
  14. :3 I am an Airman 1st Class. Which means I have to be the classroom leader. I don't want to be the leader, haha. Oh well. At least I'm not a rope...

    Doing better now that I am out of BMT. Tech School is still a little rough, but there's a lot more freedom. Definitely a better time than Basic. Had 3 mini tests today and open ranks. Passed them all. Good times. How are you? Also, ty :3
  15. Oh I know. I rarely post now a days. All I do is blog really. I don't have the time to sit down and post anymore. Plus my laptop is kaput.

    How are things Sir? Or what is your rank again? Hope all is well. I'm also glad you survived Basic . Proud of yah.
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