Conversation Between seanb and Rowan

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ill check out that new vid soon bud. Yeah the weekend went really well, had a nice dinner a few drinks and then just relaxed and watched a few movies. You should drop by Prestige more often man, join in some discussions!
  2. dont start me, i got mine a year ago and I'm only getting to grips with it now, like little things like if the laptop is plugged in while recording I get this annoying static hissing sound.. protools is a bastard of program too but works well when in a good mood, threw up another video of a country solo haha had to be done lol

    so how did the weekend go anyway with the party and anniversary?
  3. Thats exactly what I have, haha! Ill tinker with it when I have a bit more time to spare. Got a big weekend, its my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend so we are going to crown in the city and seeing a movi gold class, having diner then a bit of a gamble at the casino. Night before that we have a friends 21st, so tis a big weekend on its way!
  4. Just finished college for the summer the other day, so I've a load of time on my hands, battled through some dodgy exams, .. yea I might do another cover of a solo or somethin,
    ah crap thats a shame.. have a look at those m-audio fast tracks, pretty cheap and versatile
    any news lately your side a town??
  5. Haha. How've you been man? Any new recordings? I havn't been able to setup my interface, I think its faulty. I only ever used it a few times as well.
  6. haha your an absolute BOSS!
  7. cool, I tried using FL before but wasnt a fan of it, just the way its laid out, though I didn't give it much of a chance...
    Someone mentioned to me that a prog. called reaper is pretty good, you probly heard of it... think you can get it for free and use it unregistered...
    That VST sounds good...
    You know if we get up and running, could think of doing an online collab. were we work on a track together laying down parts and emailing the stuff
  8. I tried getting my FL studio to work on my laptop but for some reason theres an error in the crack that I have with the installation and it no longer works so I need to get a working version. I have a VST studio devil amp pro that gives an awesome sounds to my guitar. Ill try to get it this week and see if I can upload a video of no more tears.
  9. haha thanks, its definitely not perfect but I wasnt bothered tryin to get it spot on, was just happy I got a decent take
    fuuck thats a monstrous solo! gonna whip out the wah?
    I used a version of protools but I'm no whiz at it, only know the basics... then matched it with the video in sony vegas
  10. I just dropped you a youtube comment. Thats gonna be hard to top, that was really well played. I might do the solo to 'no more tears' by zakk wylde. What recording software did you use?
  11. here it is brah

  12. aright! lets do it!
    gonna do a cover of the solo on 'sloe gin' by Joe Bonamassa
    Joe Bonamassa - Sloe Gin - Live From Nowhere In Particular - YouTube
    not sure if I can even pull it off
  13. Ahh cool man! what song are you playing? Ill make a youtube video as well in response to yours once its finished.
  14. yea it looks sweet, keep meaning to get one meself but never get round to it...
    cool, haha yea Ive spent the past few months playing nylon and now the steel has just tore them apart,.. gonna make a youtube video, let ya know when its up
  15. not a great deal, just got the tatt and thats about it. Ive been playing some guitar as well. My fingers have already got the calices back so im all good in the blisters dept. haha.
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