Conversation Between Pete and Taco-Calamitous

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  1. I like your post, but you can kiss my ass as far as that "sky man" descriptor goes
  2. Thanks, ya fuggin' whippersnapper!
  3. Happy birthday, old man!
  4. Oh, it's a black hole. The only upward mobility comes from the idea that I can get more certifications, which means that different types of contractors can yell at me for doing my job.
  5. The South is the South. Eh. It's whatevs, it's just not home. I'm finally meeting some people I get along with through a catholic group; one that wasn't super legalistic and judgmental, heh. I'll be back home on the 17th and 18th, haha. And yeah, that's a good plan. I'm actually taking classes through Oregon State now, working towards my Bachelor's (Tuition Assistance is a nice perk). Gotta write a paper... starting it has been like pulling teeth, heh.

    Is it a black hole? I hear those are hard to get out of. Apparently this base is a black hole.
  6. I've been good, mostly same shit different day. Trying to get out of it and into what I truly want to do.

    How's the dirty south treating you? And I'll be in DC the 17th and 18th, if you so happen to be in that neck of the woods.

    In terms of the enlistment, just chip away at it and make sure you leave with some marketable skills or certs
  7. Heh. I think there'd be at least a few more regrets in m post, if I posted that mess now.

    How are you, Peter Pumpkin Eater? I'm still in Arkan-Sass. Going home a little later this month, though. For a month. I still have a bit less than 3 years on this bullshit enlistment that I decided to do, lolol...

    I think you might appreciate this old post from 9 years ago.

    Also, I hope all is well and things are going great wherever you are.
  9. Oh y'know. Exercising and really behaving myself in what I eat during the week (kinda) and then when the weekend comes, drink a whole bunch of beer and have two dinners because I get invited out after the first one, haha. Pasghetti, then pizza!
  10. I totally get where you're coming from man. I've been good. Literally just quit my current job yesterday and will be going to another place to do the same thing for more money. Still not the dream job, but I'm holding out for that. How's everything on your end, minus hating people?
  11. How's life, man? I find myself coming here less and less. I come to check PM's, but I don't like anyone. And by anyone, I don't just mean on TFF. I'm a hate monger. A horrible human being, if you will. Damn nerds.
  12. Oi, young people... There's this one dude who I kinda view as a little brother. He's annoying as hell and needs to grow up a lot, and I'm like the only one who puts up with him most of the time. He is constantly complaining about his problems as if he is the only one with problems, and he is constantly trying to prove how huge his **** is (it isn't.) Then there's this kid with way more attitude than he deserves to have. He doesn't know how to do shit yet, but he has this attitude like he's hot shit. Then there's this kid who's like directly above me. He's a little bit older and he's cool some of the time but a total **** the rest of the time. I remember when I got there, I was trying to figure out what his problem was. I'm like really shy and nice when I first meet people, and he acted all judgmental and dickish from the start, and I was like "What... what did I do?" Eventually I just realized it was him though. He also won't listen to me, even when I know what the hell I'm talking about and he doesn't and this fact is proven later. I tell ya man, rank is a bunch of bullshit. Also, all of them have been told multiple times not to sit around on their phones or else we will all get ours taken away. Guess what they do anyway? Mother****ers. Oh, and one of them told a Senior Master Sergeant we were "bored." ...haha...

    But there's young people everywhere I look. I really need to get off base and find some people my age to hang out with. At least people who are older.

    Hope you get the call too.
  13. Hopefully being home helps you, man. It always recharged my batteries when I would come home from college. I'm kinda in the same boat with dealing with all of the younger guys too. I've been having to go and train new guys at work a few times a month, and it's frustrating when they want to screw around or half ass a job.

    And hopefully I get the call in January. I thought it would have happened this past July, but I guess they didn't get me processed in time.
  14. Well, I'm excited that I get to go home in like a week and a half. That will help me to recharge and take a fresh look at things hopefully. I'm still kinda holding on to the idea that she might change her mind, but that is starting to look more and more like wishful thinking to me. Yeah, thanks, heh. Other than all that... workin' with a bunch of damn 18-early 20 somethings. They're not always so bad, but they piss me off sometimes, and the maturity/experience levels... lol. And then there's the NCO's/SNCO's Officers... gah. I'm glad for this 4 day weekend, man.

    Police Academy? That'd be awesome. I know you've been wanting to do that for a long time.
  15. It's going, haha. I've been busy, but good. Just hoping to get called for the academy in January.

    How are things with you man? I read your blog, and I know how that goes man. I hope everything works out for the best with you guys. Congrats on the PT test too!
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