Conversation Between DragonHeart and SuperSabin

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. All retail companies are like this. It's why I hate the holidays, particularly the way we're expected to celebrate them. It's all so commercialized and fake. I'm not religious either so it doesn't even have that extra context to it. Bah.
  2. Wow, that company must like to work up their employees... if course thats a given when christmas time rolls around. I'm actually looking forward to christmas day, alot of boredom has been getting the best of me, I have gone around and done things with the family up here but when we get back home, its pretty tough to find things to do around here haha.
  3. Not really. I have to work Christmas again this year, meh. I actually wanted it off, too...them's the breaks in retail. Two more days of hell before I have any time off.
  4. Yeah... thats why i got out of trying to start my own business lol. Its not too bad if you did something small like selling stuff but that isn't your line of work though. Anyways, you looking forward to this year's christmas?
  5. Eh, not something I care to do. I like being more behind the scenes and it's impossible to do that if I'm the boss lady. Besides, that's too much like work. >_>
  6. theres always starting your own business as well haha, i actually attempted that at one point and got nowhere fast, i did read about how to start it up and stuff but i ended up having no idea what i was doing lol.
  7. Yeah, that's why I'm holding on to my current job. The economy is terrible and no one's hiring. I figure after a couple of semesters I'll have some more marketable skills so I'll have an easier time finding something else. I suppose I could always try my hand at freelancing too, it's just not the kind of writing I enjoy doing.
  8. yeah i could understand that, i'm working on getting my GED which i'm almost to the point of taking. Been taking prep classes for it, i have a HS diploma but the one i got doesn't allow me to get into as much jobs and schools as a normal one does and i'm wanting to get into a tech school program once i obtain my GED. As far as jobs go, I've been trained as a prep-chef and I've been applying for restaurant jobs but noones taking me -_- lol and I have a really good history too. However, I was informed of an opening position of doing food service at a hospitial so when i get back from vacation, i'm going to see if they are still hiring.
  9. That's why I decided to go to college. I want a real job. XD That makes real money. Retail is not a valid career for me, it's just the placeholder while I get myself to a better place. It's not just the money though, it's that I don't have any natural people skills and quite frankly, the job is boring as hell. I can feel my brain atrophying on particularly bad days. Which is most of them, this time of year.
  10. Ah lol, not really your thing then. Is there a job that you really want? and hows the college stuff?
  11. Eh, it's a job. It's not nearly as exciting as it sounds. XD
  12. so i gather from what i read about you, you are a photo technician right? how are you enjoying that job?
  13. ok cool haha, if i don't add you right away my ID is Sabin1337
  14. All right. I haven't been on MSN in forever haha. >.< I'm actually easier to find on PS3 these days. If you have one you can add me if you want, my PSN ID's Nerruse.
  15. hey, just letting you know i added you to msn, if you get an invintation from exdeath thats me.
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