Conversation Between Kilala and Victoria

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. *Snuggle huggle* Loving you back <3333
  2. *snuggles* Hey sweetheart. I love you.
  3. Omg I did? O_O Thanks for telling me xD I'm going to fix it right now... Thanks for joining Sheena It's not complete yet, I'm going to tidy it up tonight ^^
  4. It was okay.
    You spelled redundant wrong, by the way.

    *signed up on the forum*
  5. Welcome back <333 *Hugs*
    Did you have a good day at work? ^^
  6. *snuggles and kisses* Hey love. I'm back home from work a lil while ago.
  7. Hehe, of course! Gemma is a Goddess <33333 *Hug hug huggle*
  8. *giggles* I'm Gemma's too. But yes.
    *snuggles* <3
  9. Yay!!!! For these minutes... you are mine!! *Snuggle huggle* <333
  10. Haha. Don't have to go after all. Mom didn't have to leave for a special thing at work so now I can stay for an extra 20 minutes. XD

    *snuggles and kisses*
  11. Have a good time at work!! <3333
    And you will know.. you're cursed with my natterings for a long long time...
  12. It's going okies. Leaving for work now though.
    Let me know how things go, sweetie. *hugs*
  13. *Blushes* x3 Awwww <33333

    I may take you up on that offer... but first I'll meddle about on invisionfree... It'll probably be bad or I've forgotten how to use it completely... (PLus I want to sticky a thread for the hell of it! XD). We'll see how it goes :3 Long live invisionfree! O_O

    How's your anime site going?
  14. Of course I remember you my dear. <3
    *snuggles and sneaks a kiss and giggles*

    And I have a forum of my own if you'd like to use it for the TFF Council.
  15. MWhahaha you remember me ^~ *Dances and huggles you*
    Thank you Sheena :3 I'm so happy to be back!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 65
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