Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Rowan

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. I have so much to say on the topic, but I guess I should probably just stick to wall posts with intellectuals like Heartless Angel. But I cant help but feel I need to defend myself when people mock me in threads. I wish I could discuss things face to face, Its easier for me to see someones face.
  2. Eh. The internet is full of jackasses, and full of people who think they're right. Posting in ID is like signing a death warrant, so I tend to ovoid the place. I only stepped in because Meier wasn't around and that shit was getting ready to go out of hand.
  3. I'm so gg with that thread. Its just circular argument and bullshit rhetoric. Its most nothing which could be considered as useful information and a whole lot of disrespect towards people. When people start critisizing spelling, I'm out of there. Because that just goes to show how low someone will go to try and make someones point feel invalid just because they mispelled a word. Its so childish. Am I the only one that sees this?
  4. I didn't say that in the slightest. Actually.

    What I can see in that thread, from your relentless challenges, is it going off topic. The relentless part and it going off topic as a result is the arrogance I'm speaking of. It's not needed.

    Please don't take offence because of me doing my job. I can assure you that it's nothing personal.
  5. If you think asking someone 'why' is critizing their religion and making me sound arrogant, then I have absolutly no idea about anything because I cant possible see how that could be anything other than a valid question.
  6. so does yours make a loud noise when you play DVDs on it? have you tried before?
    It doesnt make the same noise when I put in a blu-ray disc so im just assuming its fine and just a DVD thing.

    I posted something in intellectual discussion if you care to read it.
  7. My PS3 is usually quiet. ^^;
    If I have the Xbox running, I can hear it down the hall. Neither are as quiet as my PS2, so I use that for DVDs. xD

    Hey, that's cool. You'll have to post the designs/tattoo when they're done. =D
  8. my ps3 sounds like a jackhammer when I put a regular DVD in it. I dont even use my ps3 that much so I have no idea why it would be making such noises. I would probably get a kick out of seeing those reactions in the characters of such trivial matters, haha. Ive no painkillers at work. Some of the teachers have herron, but I much prefer panadol as I find it to be far more effective and cheaper. If Australia wants me to buy their product, they need to make it cheaper and higher quality than its american/overseas counterparts.

    Remember I posted about a final fantasy sleeve? Ive got a couple of people working on some design for me at the moment.I dont really expect anything for a few months, so I'm getting my right arm sleeve done in the meantime. Im hoping they can cover up what I have up the top.
  9. Goooood.
    L.A. Noire is going very well. It's definitely well constructed and a lot of heart went into making it. Facial animations are spectacular. My only concerns with it is that accusing someone of telling a lie makes Cole (main guy) get a little violent to the point that it doesn't make sense (like: "Did you steal my pencil?" "No..." "YOU'RE ****ING LYING YOU SONOFABITCH. WHY ARE YOU HOLDING UP MY INVESTIGATION?!"), and that my PS3 does make some weird noises when playing it. xD

    No painkillers? =(
  10. nope! not me. How is LA Noir? Ive heard nothing but good things. It looks spectacular the way they have integrated human facial expressions onto the characters models. Hows the gameplay?

    things are well. I have a headache at the moment, but nothing really worth complaining too much about.
  11. I was almost sure I saw a VM from you earlier... might've imagined it. xD;
    If I'm not, it's because I was busy and got caught up with dinner preparations, and then I got sucked into L.A. Noire. xD;

    How goes?
  12. Trolling is fun, but not for me. My opinion is no more rule than yours. So drop it.

    You must be arrogant to think this is over you not wanting to be my adoptee. I honestly think it's fine. I offered you the chance at friendship, and you deleted my VM (along with most of the posts you've made, or at least, attempted to), and buggered off for a week or two.

    I couldn't care less.
  13. Because I said I would no longer post in there... Im trying to decide weather or not you're trolling me or just incredibly arrogant to think that you are SO important, that your opinion is rule. You're nothing. Stop being butthurt because I dont want to be your adoptee. I dont care about you.
  14. missed it again.

    Why should I bother explaining if you're not even going to post again? But if you intended to look in the thread again after leaving your "see ya" message, then why not post and why bother with a VM? Doesn't make sense at all.
  15. uhhh I didnt post in the thread again. I posted here, did I not?
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