Conversation Between soramaster and Fate

80 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks! That group is proof of my love for Star Ocean!^^
  2. oh, lol, and did u look at Ocean of Stars yet, i added a pic to it
  3. Have one more point!
  4. its ok and plus i just got a thank from HUNK and i leveled up on the Thanks, now im like lvl 1 in thanks, but lvl 5 in posting
  5. I'm great! I usually don't read Journals, but I guess now's a good time to start!^^ But I'm not making one, though!
  6. hey there Fayt, how u doin man, also did u look at one of my posts in Journal, u can read it, its all about me, i will usually put Trait of the Day, but not in everyone
  7. The winds were at least going 50 MPH yesterday!
  8. hey thx
  9. Be careful there!
  10. hey thx, i'll remember that, damn its about to thunder here, and i can tell because there are black sky
  11. Two words to beating Sephiroth in KH1: Ars Arcanum!
  12. i do not know why it seems funny to me, and thats great about u havin a 40+ per day
  13. lol, hey thx, though i have the Stragedy Guide for KH2 so i already know how to beat him in KH2, and i've already beat him in KH2 but its only on the first one that i cant beat him
  14. How is that funny? You're weird! But I am everywhere! I once held a record of 40+ per day, but I lost it!
  15. yea it was easy, thats funny you saying your like everywhere, seriously thats funny
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 80
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