Conversation Between Yoko and 01habbo

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. lol.

    Am I going crazy? I sent you another PM.
  2. I keep humming happy birthday to myself 2 days early
  3. You know? I'm having a total Kyra moment. I'm going to stay really optimistic about this RP. Rikku's alive. She HAS to be. Unless you just hate her outfit so much you decided to kill her. Then I think, Noooo....Habbo wouldn't do that...Would she? WOULD SHE??!

    Would you? Unless you're just going to go on a killing spree and try to kill everyone. I don't really see that happening either.

    BTW, I get paid tomorrow. I should be sending off your gift then as well. It's so cute. I think you'll like it

    EDIT: You don't need to answer these questions. I'm just thinking out loud. I love reading the RP <3
  4. Can't I've actually tried....Unless you're better at searching for things on YT then I am. It's during game play. Very hard to do. I'm surprised my sister came up with it. Lightning gets mad every time. Points if you can find it though
  5. no lol but i bet i can find a video of her dancing on YT XD
  6. And you say you have a good memory...

    I was re-reading the RP earlier today. Fun times.

    Also, have you ever made Lightning Dance? It's hilarious.
  7. i want to, but i don't remember my pass lol
  8. .........................................ADBOOOOOO OOTS!!!!!!!! Kill it kill it kill it
  9. It sure is! I freakin love it. <3 It's exactly as I pictured Kyra's. I'm debating on removing the Lion and putting something else there. I'm just not sure though. Maybe a set of wings?
  10. the gunblade is smexy! XD
  11. Which was why I figured it would fall off the rail. No worries.

    Do do realize that Zera is just an e mail away right? I haven't tried since he changed his e mail address. Its now. His hotmail was hacked by adbots. I got daily e mails asking different things. It was amusing really.
  12. can't really do anything with it til Zera comes online and we have a big discussion about it because the values for eachprize are not even sorted out yet, bit stupid of me to start something when it's not sorted out lol
  13. I'm actually going to message you here. I'm running out of space on Square and I hate having to delete things all the time. Why I'm sending a VM instead of a PM is actually out of laziness.

    What happened to the whole point system in the RP? I kind of figured it would fall off the rail, but you never really said what you were doing with it.

    I hope everything else is going okay. Sorry to hear about the job. I'm sure another will pop up eventually.
  14. ah I got a letter today that i didn't get the job, also dealing with a friend who's being selfish, saying that she hasn't got money to come to my birthday. That would be fine, but she's going on flipping holiday, and hasn't been to my bday in the last 3 years.
  15. Oh I am. Multiple times...over and over. Luckily for me I like reading my own writing. Yay Narcissism.

    I passed that online course that I thought I failed. I barely did anything in that class because I forgot it was there most of the time. I'm still awesome somewhere.

    Any word about your job yet?
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